Works for the State
ISSUE: There are so many Boise High kids riding the bus in the morning that when they get off
on State St. they jay-walk across on a “don’t walk” light. He thinks the police should patrol
State St. more often in the morning, or there should at least be a Resource Officer there at State
St. to make sure they walk with the light when they get off the bus.
Police Since he works for the government he knows how it works and
that nobody does anything until it hits the local media. He just wanted the city to know that the
first kid who gets hurt or killed crossing State St. against the light, he will be the first to go to the
Diane Ayres
S. Garden Pl.
Boise, ID 83705
ISSUE: When she was walking the dog today there were two Parks guys there and they had a
break for over a half hour just standing around talking.
Parks & Rec.
Sonia Calico
Brookover Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
ISSUE: Why don’t city parks welcome dogs playing ball when they’re not bothering anybody?
She now has to pay a $25 ticket for her dogs being off leash at Borah Park.
Parks & Rec.
Nov 3, 2010, 8:32 pm
Only 3 calls?
Timberline kids routinely jay-walk across Boise Avenue or Apple Street.
I take my dog to a nearby park and it is often deserted. If my dog causes a problem or if I fail to clean up after him, I should be ticketed, but not until then. That’s like banning guns because people use them to kill each other (or knives, or cars, or baseball bats).