
G-BAD Boys Consider Demolishing Qwest Arena

If you don’t like driving on Capitol or Front at rush hour, just wait to see what the G-BAD boys have up their sleeves for future ideas.

The Idaho Business Review broke a story Tuesday morning revealing plans to potentially demolish the Qwest Arena to make room for a convention center–despite untold failed attempts at “more bigger” with hoteliers, developers, and CCDC. The arena is not a money maker and the GUARDIAN questions how the Greater Boise Auditorium District (G-BAD) can justify all the expansion plans.

From the IBR: The Greater Boise Auditorium District will investigate a new option to expand convention space downtown: tear down Qwest Arena and build a new 100,000-square-foot facility. The idea seemed to captivate the board’s five members during a meeting Nov. 15, and they may formally consider it next month.

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  1. You have GOT to be kidding! The inmates have finally taken control of the asylum!!!!!

  2. Grumpy ole guy
    Nov 17, 2010, 3:17 am

    I suppose that the agency dedicated to “urban destruction” can not and should not be faulted for wanting to tear down some of the new buildings, since they are running short of old ones to pull down. So, this arena has served its purpose and needs to be replaced by something dedicated to another use? Maybe it is the G-BAD that needs to be torn down and replaced by something more useful.

  3. sam the sham
    Nov 17, 2010, 10:01 am

    Don’t bother the boys of G-BAD with facts. It only irritates them.

  4. O dear, I fear we have yet another Idaho Center fiasco headed our way. These monsters do nothing but eat up city tax dollars. Just take a look at Nampa and how much they have to feed the Idaho Center.

    Traveling entities come to town rent the place for a few days a year and the taxpayers get to keep the place afloat during all the slack time. The venu takes all the cash and they hit the road to the next facility they can rent on the cheap.

    How many days a year do they expect this monster will be used based on realistic data not “pie in the sky” projections? Do these wingnuts think bigger and better will translate to a better balance sheet?

  5. Now that they can spend as much as they want, what do you expect

  6. Three things GBAD and city fathers and other political types haven’t noticed:
    1. If whatever you’re considering were a good, profitable idea, private businesses would be fighting to do it.
    2, If whatever you’re considering were a good, profitable idea, private businesses would be fighting to do it.
    3. If whatever you’re considering were a good, profitable idea, private businesses would be fighting to do it.

  7. Did I get something wrong or did you report that they are simply investigating the option? Should they not be considering ways to improve their business? Should the decision not be based on data and investigation? I’m not sure why that is a problem. If the data shows that it is not a good move, that is one thing.

    EDITOR NOTE–You seem to be baiting us. The story was broken by the IBR, we quoted directly from it, said they would POTENTIALLY demolish the Qwest arena. It is a stupid move and should not be considered–I guess we failed to mention that part. Hope that clears up any questions you may have had. Stupid ideas are not a sign of an open mind.

  8. For Public Input
    Nov 19, 2010, 7:06 pm

    Editor – did you go to the meeting? Looks like you’re pulling your story only off the lead in of the IBR.

    Either way, GBAD should open up the idea to public input since they are spending public tax dollars. The point that they had to move the special meeting out of the board room to hold the number of people who wanted to attend should tell them something. The key is: Can or will they finally listen to anyone outside of their own board and attorney?

  9. But to study a stupid idea is a bunch of money for Lisa and her friends?

  10. Profitable convention centers are located in cities with pro sports teams, full on naked strip clubs, and lots of prostitution. Do we qualify or are they trolling for the “family values” convention crowd?
