City Government

Mayor Hotline October 30 to November 5

Marge Crosby
S. Owyhee St.
Boise, ID 83705
ISSUE: Complained about the Design Review Committee that won’t pass the JUMP Project.
She doesn’t understand what the members of the committee are objecting to and would like to

Diane Ayres
S. Garden Pl.
Boise, ID
ISSUE: Concern about the city’s financial situation and the misuse of funds at Parks and Rec.
The root of the problem is management. She is sure the problem is in every area of city
government, not just Parks and Rec.
Parks & Rec.

Partha Inderson
Cab driver and
President of Taxi Driver’s Assoc. in Idaho
It’s very bad at the airport; they give 30-40 days punishment – jobless situation. Now the cops
are giving tickets for stopping at $80-$85 when it used to be $40. He has talked to Mike O’Dell
but nothing changes.

Jennifer Collins
Warm Springs Mesa Subdivision
Boise, ID

ISSUE: She just learned that someone will be spraying herbicides over the foothills that border
the neighborhood. She contacted her neighborhood association but was unable to find any
additional information. She is concerned that decisions have been made without public
Ada County Pest & Weed Abatement

James Lovejoy
N. Quail Summit Way
Boise, ID
ISSUE: Why is the City of Boise outsourcing architectural services (to Salt Lake City) for the
Julia Davis Park restroom and Pavilion Plaza #1 (which is out for bid now) when local architects
could provide the service?
Finance & Administration

Deb Matthews
Toluka Way
Boise, ID 83712
ISSUE: Spraying in the foothills by Warm Springs Mesa. She walks up in the foothills on a
regular basis and also lives close to where the spray would be taking place. She isn’t aware of
any public notification and doesn’t think chemicals should be used if they don’t know how
humans will respond.
Ada County Pest and Weed Abatement

Diane Ayres
ISSUE: Called again regarding bad management of Parks. Two men and a large gas-hog vehicle
were pulling a trailer and running an errand for another park. Now they will have to come back
in a couple of days to finish what they were doing at Cassia Park.
Parks & Rec.

William McMaster
14th St.
Boise, ID 83702
ISSUE: Police Report #027398 – in reference to a friend of his who has a “No Contact” order
against someone (which he has broken) who has threatened her physically in the past. They filed
a police report which went to the Prosecuting Attorney’s office and nothing was done about it.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Good gracious!

    Something sure put a bee in Diane’s bonnet!

    She ought to run for mayor. Establish a Field Office at the park.
