City Government

F&G Still Looking For Hammer Flats Money

Working on the upcoming “best of 2010” stories list, we came across the May 29 HAMMER FLAT land deal announcement between Boise City and Idaho Fish and Game, prompting an update.

Seems Boise’s cash payment for the wildlife habitat still hasn’t been repaid by F&G seven months after the deal was revealed by the GUARDIAN. Here is the official word from Deputy F&G director Virgil Moore:

We are actively working to secure funding that will enable Idaho Fish and Game to purchase the Hammer Flat property from the City of Boise. When we entered into the agreement with the city, we stated that funding should become available within 12-24 months.

We hope to be able to secure funding and make an announcement within six months but it could take longer. Hammer Flat is a valuable winter habitat for mule deer and elk and Fish and Game is committed to purchasing this property just as soon as appropriate funds become available.

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