
Seeing Is Believing, A Matter Of Perspective

At lunch today we met with an old friend in an attempt to explain the GUARDIAN philosophy is to stimulate discussion, debate, and common sense. The photo above was in mind when we told our friend the image has a different meaning for anyone who sees it–just like many of the stories we post.

To some the scene is simply beautiful. To others it is growthophopbia with houses intruding on nature, to animal lovers it is a refuge for wildlife and for farmers it is next year’s water for crops. Skiers and snowmobilers see the snow as a place to play. What does it mean to YOU? After all, it is our back yard and the Boise Front only looks bigger and closer when covered with snow.

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  1. At this point, it is a picture of the “balance” between beauty and civilization. Any further tipping of the scales will be a profound change, and that won’t be good!

  2. I’m much more a fan of urban life but I’ve always appreciated the outdoors being with reach of Boise and I think this picture represents this. I love nature, at arms length, Boise needs to grow while respecting nature.

  3. With a great snowpack we might not have smoke in the air this summer. Not good for firefighters though. I like seeing the snow stay in the mountains.

  4. I see it as one of the few days the air is safe to breath.

  5. That photo reminds me of powdered sugar on donuts.

    “Mmmmmmmmmmmmm… dohhh..nutttssssssss…”
    – Homer Simpson

    But seriously, Mr. Guardian… it means ALL of those things to me. Water for next summer, recreation, wildlife habitat, AND urban encroachment.

    I grew up in a house in one of the very first foothills neighborhoods – Aldape Heights. Those hills are “home.” I suspect I see it differently from more recent arrivers.

    When I was a kid, I rode motorcycle on a seemingly-endless matrix of single-track and jeep trails up on those foothills. And to me it seems ironic that they closed and blocked off most of those trails, ostensibly to preserve the landscape from the zoom-zoomin’ Land Rapers, and then turned around and built roads and houses on it.

  6. The Few… The Proud… The Sentient!

    The Happiest New Year to You & Yours

  7. I lived in a home off 8th st., on a small hill. Vastly different that the year my kids and I walked to the top of Camel’s back hill to watch the fire engulf houses higher up, and it made me mad that our firefighters have to risk their lives for homes that owners know damn good and well are gonna burn baby burn. You know darn well when you build in a certain area how hard it’s going to be to contain a fire, yet you build there anyway, because you have money in your pockets, and you don’t give a rat’s ass about how this can and does affect other people and the environment.

  8. The snow line reminds me just how close I live to having to deal with it via a shovel. Like the view but glad I have the rain.

  9. Polly- anywhere on a hill off of 8th Street is in the Foothills no different than those you speak of.

    That snow was fabulous at Bogus today. The cold temps kept the crowds away for a great family day of skiing. The farmers definitely should be happy with the water in the coming growing season. The best thing is Idaho Power will not have to raise rates due to a poor winter.

  10. I have gazed at that scene for many points in Boise. I remeber watching the snowline as a child excited to make a snow man; watching the scene turn green in the Spring and excited to finally be able to go swimming; watching the green turn to brown in the heat of the Summer and wondering how many fired would start; finally as a teenager being put out ’cause all the good necking spots were used to build houses. Thank you for helping me remember.

  11. I see most of the land around Boise that is owned by the BLM, State, USFS, Fish and Game and of course the City of Boise.

  12. BoiseCitizen
    Jan 3, 2011, 12:10 pm

    I see the best urban playground in the country. An area where all users are welcome with some limitations on each group. Where you can hike, bike, motorcycle,ride a horse or just sit and contemplate your navel. I see a forward thinking populace that was willing to step up and be (gasp), taxed, to preserve open space for future generations. I love living in Boise and those beautiful hills are one of the biggest reasons why.
