City Government

Yuba City Councilor Disses Idaho

One of our California GUARDIAN readers sent us a story from the APPEAL-DEMOCRAT newspaper which proves that politicos at all levels have a propensity for eating shoe leather.

During an April 13 meeting encouraging racial and cultural tolerance attended by local Sikh Indian-Americans and officials including the U.S. Attorney for the area, a Yuba City Councilor displayed his political skills when he cited the tolerance in the California City and said, “Education is needed in the Idaho’s and Montana’s of the world.”

It would seem to the GUARDIAN that at least in the mind of Yuba City Councilman Tej Maan, tolerance has its limits and some local education on the subject is in order. Even with his intolerant attitude toward the fine people of Idaho, we would still invite him to visit the Anne Frank Memorial next to the Boise Public Library.

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  1. I read the article in the link and there was no mention of Idaho or Montana. It was stated they were Americans first. Read it three times looking for the Idaho Montana Reference??

  2. Alicia Ritter
    Apr 15, 2011, 12:08 pm

    Tolerance aside, the truth hurts. Idaho’s post-secondary college-going and completion rates are the pits. That’s just not 4-year college. It means 2-4 year, trade and professional technical education success.

    Idahoans deserve better.

  3. After spending substantial time in the Yuba City, Marysville area of northern California, I would suggest to the councilor that he needs to spend ALL of his tolerance efforts in his own back yard. Both of those cities have exhibited substantial gang activity and tremendous intolerance toward the Hispanic community. If he does indeed decide to visit our state, he would see it as a vacation from his concerns back home.

  4. Alicia, please enlighten me as to exactly how low college entry and completion rates are the responsibility of the citizens?

  5. Forced re-education camps are the answer. Just think of the job openings which would magically appear. And the new reasons for more taxes. Oh, wait, that’s what high-schools are now, so just add a few grades.

    Tell me super smart people, is the unemployment rate lower in the over educated places? Or is it just that the tax rates went up?

    Eduacation is needed when the job market calls for it. Ramming kids through schools so they can bag at walmart is a failed plan. Idaho’s economy needs more than a bunch of upper education grads, it needs jobs. They need to grow together not one before the other.

    EDITOR NOTE–Please stay on topic! The story is about diversity.

  6. Mountain Mama
    Apr 16, 2011, 9:12 am

    Paul, the quote is the 6th paragraph of the story.

  7. I can’t get fired up about the real issue because those d@mned apostrophes after Idaho and Montana are blinding me to the issue. Perhaps better education is needed for whomever wrote the article.

  8. Thanks for mention and kind words regarding the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial. Jerry Miller Board Vice President – Idaho Human Rights Education Center

  9. What Casey said. Most common – and most aggravating – mis-use of punctuation in written english.
