
Hope Springs Eternal With Day Job

Like the notes on a musical score frozen in place, icicles from irrigation spray transform barbed wire and weeds into crystal sculptures.

Sometimes when we get an overdose of reality with politicos and their antics, it feels good to just go out and burn some gas. Remember those days of “taking a ride in the country?”

We found some sun recently and actually went out to gather more images for the PHOTOLIBRARYwhere we offer images to the major publishers of the world. We share some samples for those who appreciate the “true Idaho.”

A white pelican lands below C.J. Strike Dam to feast on the fish washed over the spillway during the spring runoff.

A farmer near Lake Lowell preps the soil for irrigation corrugates.

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  1. As always, nice pictures shutterbug.

  2. This is what life is meant to be. I sometimes envy the old retired Italian dude sitting in his garden at a wrought iron table with a brick of cheese, olives and a bottle of wine watching the sun set over his flowers and vegetables…He has figured out the true meaning of life!

    Your perspective into life in Idaho parallels that thought. Thanks for sharing Dave.

  3. Nice photos, Dave. I think I need to go on a drive, too, but in the meantime I like the pictures from yours.
