
GUARDIAN Turns Six, But No Party Scheduled

In a shameless attempt at self-serving friendly comments, we offer the following.

It was six years ago today when the GUARDIAN posted its FIRST STORY which just happened to be about the public being locked out of the City-owned Boise Depot most of the time. Things haven’t changed much.

Ironically, the Depot was purchased with public funds after the community joined forces, buying commemorative bricks, T-shirts, and posters to “save the Depot.” Then folks were locked out, save for some token visitor hours.

Last year on the fifth anniversary of the GUARDIAN the city announced plans to sell recently purchased foothills land to Idaho Fish & Game. They never made the sale, but have managed to once again lock out citizens from public property. That deal came after the public banded together to pass the “Save the Foothills” Levy.

Here we are–still at odds with politicos and officialdom–after nearly 1,800 posts and 18,000 reader comments. We all owe a special “THANKS” to BEN HAYS, our web designer, hoster, troubleshooter, and all around great technician. He was once a Boise kid, but is now an educated computer scientist who lives, loves, and works in Taipei, Taiwan with his wife and newborn son. Check out his SITE.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Congrats, Dave! You have changed the landscape of local news – while simultaneously holding down a “day job”!! – and this regular reader appreciates your efforts. (We occasionally don’t agree… but how boring would it be, if we all agreed on everything?)

    Start planning now… put a little money away every month and maybe you can rent the Depot for the 10th anniversary party!

  2. Rod in SE Boise
    May 11, 2011, 2:34 pm

    Congratulations Dave. Keep up the good work.

  3. As I said in an earlier post, it never ceases to amaze me that publicly owned spaces are often off limits to the public.

  4. Dave, you continue to amaze us all with your dogged determination. It is greatly appreciated by us average people! And it makes my life a little more enjoyable that you, and me, are “persona non grata” down at city hall.
    I also find it amazing that we are in an age where a business in Taipei is capable of running a website oceans apart!

  5. Taipei, Taiwan? Dave you have outsourced!

  6. Aw. I was so looking forward to free pizza. Seriously, not being sarcastic.

  7. Congrats Dave – Yeah – where and when is the free hot dogs and beans? Seriously, the Treasure Valley is better because of your determined work. Here’s to another 6 years and many more!

  8. Clippityclop
    May 13, 2011, 11:39 am

    Dave! You’re my hero! Here’s to another fabulous 6 years…
