
Yet Another Commish Candidate Forum

We offer the following announcement for a meeting that may be a rehash of last Thursdays event regarding the Trash-to-Energy project. Here are the details from landfill neighbors:

Please attend the town hall meeting with the Ada County Commissioner candidates. All candidates have been invited. Six candidates have confirmed attendance. Come meet the candidates. The main topic is Dynamis.

“Dynamis plans to build a facility within the county-owned Hidden Hollow landfill that would super-heat and gasify trash to create a gas that can be converted to energy. The facility would process daily up to 408 tons of trash, including tires, to generate 20 megawatts of power.”

Town Hall Meeting Information:
When: Thursday, May 3rd
Time: 6:30-8:00pm
Where: Riverglen Junior High

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  1. Registered Voter
    May 1, 2012, 3:10 pm

    Is this a Republican Party event? OR is this another Roger Simmons sanctioned publicity stunt aimed at getting Dave Case elected? And why can’t these losers focus on something else besides Dynamis? And since when did the Boise Guardian become a place to post political advertising?

  2. Is Roger Simmons involved with the Dave Case campaign? That is horrible news for Ada County. Roger is so awful and embittered that anything he touches is tainted.

    Say it ain’t so Dave!

    EDITOR NOTE–Not aware if he is. Full disclosure, we have had communications from Larry Maneely on behalf of Case.

  3. I think it is good that the taxpayers will have a chance to ask questions. It gives them a chance to make an informed decision when they vote. Obviously at least six candidates think it is a good idea.

  4. Hopefully RV learns to post something constructive. The ongoing attacks against BG and others doesn’t serve any purpose. Bring facts and/or intelligent discussion.

  5. @RV: You are new here! Nice try. LOL!!!

  6. RV is most likely the new fiance who seemed to put in his expert opinions on Dynamis and trys to defend himself and Sharon. This whole Dynamis thing is one SCARY situation. I can not believe this mess is happening to our great county of ADA. It needs to be stopped in it’s tracks. The financial background of these people spells it out perfectly. We need new leadership in the Commissioner’s Office to make good decisions.

  7. I guess my invitation got lost to the event. I will be there as an Independent candidate ready to discuss the issue.
    I look forward to seeing many people there.
