
As Predicted, Guv Appoints Case To Ada Commish, ACHD Seeks Replacement For Case

As predicted by the GUARTDIAN, Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter announced the appointment today of Dave Case of Meridian to fill the District 3 Ada County Commission vacancy left by the May 4 resignation of Vern Bisterfeldt.

“I’m extremely grateful to the Governor for having the confidence in me to appoint me to this position,” said Case, who on May 15 defeated incumbent Commissioner Sharon Ullman for the Republican nomination in District 3. He will face Democrat Thomas Howell and independent Jon Howard in the November election.

Case, who will vacate a seat on the Ada County Highway District Commission to become a county commissioner, was among three nominees whose names were submitted to the Governor to succeed Bisterfeldt. The others were Dan Dunham and Gordon Browning.

Case is married with two children and earned a bachelor’s degree from Boise State University. In addition to the Ada County Highway District Commission, he is a former Idaho State Police trooper and a former hearing officer for the Idaho Commission of Pardons and Parole. He also served on the Kuna School Board.

SEE ACHD NOTICE seeking replacement nominations below

ACHD Commissioners looking for candidates to fill south Ada County seat;
Just 10 days to pick new Commissioner

With the appointment Friday of Dave Case to the Ada County Commission, the ACHD Commission is asking those who may be interested in serving on the highway district board to submit their names for consideration.

The ACHD Commission plans to meet in special session at noon on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 to declare a vacancy and to establish the process to fill the opening within 10 calendar days, as required by state law.

Case represented Sub-district No. 4, which takes in most of the county south of Interstate 84. State law prohibits a county commissioner from serving concurrently as an ACHD commissioner, which will force the forfeiture of Case’s ACHD seat when he is sworn into office at Ada County as scheduled on Tuesday morning.

Anyone wishing to be considered must submit a resume, letter expressing interest and three references by noon on Monday, June 4, 2012. ACHD Commissioners plan to interview candidates chosen from those submissions on June 6th and make their selection by the close of business on Friday, June 8, 2012. The submissions should be sent to Stephanie Blake, ACHD Secretary of the Board, at [email protected] or hand delivered to the ACHD headquarters at 3775 Adams St., Garden City, 83714.

The chosen candidate will serve the remainder of Case’s term, which expires and the end of 2014.

The open seat represents south Ada County – generally Kuna, south Meridian and most of the county south of the interstate (please see map). Candidates must live within the district.

ACHD Commissioners set policy for the District, the only countywide highway agency in Idaho, which serves all of the residents of Ada County, including those living within cities. The compensation for the part-time post is a monthly stipend of $1,686. The Commissioners generally meet on the first four Wednesdays of each month, excluding holidays.

Case, who began a four-year term on the ACHD Commission in January 2011, was appointed by Gov. Butch Otter to fulfill the remainder of the term of Vern Bisterfeldt, who retired recently due to health reasons. Bisterfeldt’s term runs through 2012. On May 15, Case won the Republican primary to run for the seat once held by Bisterfeldt.

The last time a vacancy was filled on the ACHD Commission occurred in 1993, when Sherry Huber was appointed to fulfill a term following a resignation. Huber retired at the end of 2010 – to be replaced by Case.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Dear Butch,

    I was wondering why you appointed Dave Case to the Ada County Commission since he broke the law to run for office. His status as a classified state employee forbids him from running for a partisan office.

    Idaho Statute 67-5311. Limitation of political activity. (1) No classified employee of a state department covered by this act shall:
    (c) Be a candidate and hold elective office in any partisan election.

    I informed the Boise Guardian who in turn informed Mr. Case who then claimed to resign from his job as a Parole Hearing Officer as soon as he found out. I find that amusing since his job has never been listed as available. Mr. Case also claimed to have had no knowledge of the law regarding classified state employees and partisan public office. Since he was employed by ISP for six years BEFORE he was employed by the Parole Commission for 16 years I find that statement insultingly ridiculous. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Ask any Judge, Prosecutor or police officer in the entire state and they will agree.

    I believe you should reverse your appointment and direct the Secretary of State to investigate Mr. Case’s eligibility as a candidate. While you’re at it you should ask Mr. Ysursa to look into Mr. Case’s campaign finance records as well.

  2. Give it up Sharon, it is not going to happen. We now have a good commissioner with integrity, wisdom,and common sense .

  3. Nuff Said–apparently you missed the memo, not understanding state law is a minimum qualification for the job of Ada county commish.

    I am thinking about not paying taxes on my home so ADA County will buy it for $240K to protect their investment in the back taxes.

  4. Maybe someone should investigate what (if anything) Dynamis promised to Tillman, Ullman & Yzaguirre. It seems they really wanted this to go through with no oversite and tried to hide any information on what was going on.

    I agree with Buster – get over it Sharon – you lost (again)
