
AG Explains Ethical Conflict In Ada Probe

The office of Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden told the GUARDIAN Wednesday the “potential appearance of a conflict” prompted the staff to decline to investigate the Ada Commishes (see previous post). One of the major complaints was centered around possible violation of Idaho’s open meeting law.

Deputy Idaho Attorney General Brian Kane is the lawyer who handles open meeting and public records cases for the agency. He lives in Hidden Springs and some of his neighbors have previously talked with him about the Dynamis-Ada County trash to energy project which for the most part they oppose.

Because of Kane’s prior contact with some of those involved, the AG’s office–and Kane–opted to send the case to a special prosecutor. We applaud the transparency–which had previously been revealed to the GUARDIAN–but we have no reservations about the ethics of the AG staff regarding going after wrongdoing when asked by local prosecutors to do so.

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  1. Maybe Mr. Kane should read his own article.

    Just kidding. Nice to see some good old honesty.
