City Government

Smooth Sailing At Crow Hill, Spring Planting

After a year of talks with glider enthusiasts, Idaho Fish and Game has agreed to allow folks to take to the skies east of Boise at the Hammer Flat land purchased from Boise City. The Season will begin May 1 and run through November 15.
Student volunteers planting sage brush in an area burned by a wild fire, Idaho. student, teens, volunteers, plant, sage brush, burn, forest fire, range, wild, idaho, teenagers
This Saturday, March 2nd at 8:00 am folks will be meeting for the annual volunteer planting of bitter and sage brush at Hammer Flat next to the Crow Gliding Hill. They gather at Idaho Fish and Game headquarters on Myrtle Street and proceed to the great outdoors at Hammer Flat.

Forecast is sunny conditions with a high temperature of 60 degrees! Sky sailors urge flyers and friends to plant some habitat, see some wildlife, and have a look at the nifty gliding hill east of Boise across from the Crow Inn on Warm Springs.

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  1. Rod in SE Boise
    Mar 1, 2013, 1:16 pm

    “across from the Crow Inn” ?

    I thought Hammer Flat was the land above the basalt cliffs north of the river between Diversion Dam and Lucky Peak Dam and you got there on the road that goes up the hill directly across from Lucky Peak Dam. I’ll go Google it.

    EDITOR NOTE–Rod, you are correct. However the CROW HILL is indeed on the portion of the wildlife management area which is across from the Crow Inn behind a couple of residences.

  2. Finally, some common sense.

  3. What is this? Good Friday? Hang gliders get to fly again and the State gets to unload the Simplot Mansion.

  4. Those new plants will make for a rough landing zone.

  5. Grumpy ole guy
    Mar 1, 2013, 3:40 pm

    One of the “best things” about the Boise area is that calls for volunteers for activities such as this planting, are always answered. It is a great community, depite all of the faults and failings we so often note.

  6. Just for my information where do these flier plan to land? Have they checked with the owners of the private ground across from the Crow Inn? Just wondering.

    EDITOR NOTE–Not sure, but they are kinda like hot air balloons when it comes to landing. If they get a big lift they can go far, but since they have control there is no doubt a designated landing area. What goes up must come down.

  7. I ustacould fly hang gliders back in the 80-90s. We called this place Cobb Knob. Wonderful hill. Can soar there for hours. Usual landing field was across the highway from the Crow Inn. Other places were available, but this was closest to liquid refreshments. Glad to see it open again.

  8. humm XACE.. I thought that was private ground… Did you get permission from the owners? I hope the owners get some kind of a release or some thing from the hang gliders. Hate to see them get sued!

  9. T’was never an issue, Pork. Simpler times, simpler people perhaps?
