
Birds of Differing Feathers Flock Together

Following tips from friends and with a little luck, the GUARDIAN found the “Eagle Tree” near Wendell.

It is next to the Westpoint Mexican bar and cafe out among the diary farms. Turns out a giant cottonwood tree is shared by eagles and all sorts of black birds–red winged, yellow headed, and others. At one point we counted 17 eagles roosting in the tree which understandably is quite a local drive by attraction.

Birdwatching protocol demands you don’t disturb our feathered friends. Even a 300 mm lens is probably not enough to get great pictures, but a good set of binoculars makes it worthwhile to watch. The nice folks at the bar said the eagles return each winter for about a month as they migrate south from the mountains of Canada.

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  1. Grumpy ole guy
    Dec 17, 2013, 1:46 am

    As a life-long nature watcher I can say with certainty THANKS to the Guardian for the photography. And, that the simple “rules” for watchers is to respect the birds/wildlife and any property owners who may be impacted by your observing behavior. Remember to take away nothing but memories and photographs and leave nothing other than footprints.

  2. Thanks for the gift, Dave. My dad wrote “The Birds of Idaho,” and he would have been thrilled by the sight. Merry Christmas.
