City Government

City Seeking Staffer For Team Dave

If you are one who, “Develops, implements, and facilitates project teams to meet organizational goals” you could earn up to $95,000 working for BOISE CITY as a Strategic Initiatives Manager.

God only knows how we have done without one–or if there was a previous SIM. No doubt future strategic initiatives could include trolleys, bond elections, constitutional amendments, efforts to disband ACHD, and assist the lobbyist team.

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  1. Yet another way to pad dictator Dave’s staff and waste even more of our tax dollars. Strategic initiatives manager? What a bunch of BS!! This council has no brains and no shame

  2. Just anther way the mayor and council use tax money to promote their agenda. And pay off another crony.

  3. Sounds a bit like some ones brother-in-law needs a job.

  4. I want a Strategic Initiative Manager at my house.
    Job description: clean that mess up!

    This must be in the city minutes somewhere right?

    Give it and they will spend it.

  5. Definitely sounds like one of the Mayor’s cronies needs a job. I would bet that Dave gives the job to Russ Westerberg – the city has already been paying him lots of our tax dollars to “lobby” for the city, as if the guy could actually be effective after his conduct with the legislature last year!
