Idaho Weather Always Changes, Just Wait A Few Months

ABOVE 5,000 feet the dreary city lies hidden below a blanket of fog.
Saturday it was either sit home, kick the dog and beat the wife or find some SUN!!
It didn’t take long to get above the 5,000 elev. line on Bogus Basin Road and sure enough, the sun still exists. We didn’t exactly overdose on vitamin D, but we shared a few hits with fellow valley dwellers seeking sunshine.

Visibility was less than 100 feet as we climbed Bogus Rd.
At one of the turnouts packed with folks armed with cameras and cell phones, we started talking about the old joke of “If you don’t like the weather, just wait 10 minutes and it will change.” Actually the punch line these days is “just wait a few months.” Which prompted another sun worshiper to ask, “Since the weather hasn’t changed in weeks, why to the assorted weather chiefs on local TV news still take 15 minutes in three segments to tell us “no change in sight and temps vary only 3 degrees?”

Prettiest barbed wire around covered in hoar frost.
We were able to capture some interesting images for those who would rather stay home. Now if we can just get the commerce and economic development folks to tell potential newcomers the sun never shines in Boise, perhaps we can keep the traffic count down on Bogus Basin Road in future winters.
Jan 26, 2014, 7:57 am
Excellent point on the weather folks. The information they impart could be done in a 60-second series of graphics before the commercial–at least to the degree that I care about. Further I wouldn’t be treated to their telling me what I should wear. “don’t foget to dress in layers today.” “Grab that umbrella!” But then they would have to find some real news to fill the dead air! My rule is that if the local news leads with the weather or a national news story, they aren’t going to give me any local news of note. Time to switch.
Jan 28, 2014, 5:53 pm
You couldn’t pay me to drive that road this time of year but it is great during the week in the summer on my Goldwing!
Jan 29, 2014, 3:26 pm
wish the few month turnaround for weather was the same for our politicians.