
Where Do The Senators Live?

At the risk of pouring salt in a wound, we share the following note from a Nampa reader.

“Sen. McKenzie since the unfortunate episode with his wife, has been living where? His address in the 2014 Legislative Directory is listed as 412 W. Franklin St. Boise, 83702 phone 344-4379.

Yet, his address to run for the Idaho Senate is still listed as being on Candlewood in our fair city of Nampa. Is the Senator living in Nampa or is his wife living at their residence in Nampa?

Given the divorce detailed recently by the Statesman’s Dan Popkey, one would not expect them to be living together.

Also the episode of where Patti Ann Lodge lives has never been resolved to the satisfaction of many Canyon County voters.”

Since McKenzie has a record of sleeping on the couch in his Boise law office and collecting a per diem expense, perhaps our friends in the legacy media would be in a position to answer the reader’s questions. The GUARDIAN will gladly provide a link to the answers.

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  1. Is this the same Patti lodge who wants to allow her farmer cohorts to get slave labor? It is not going to matter where these people live… they do not represent their constituents only those who fund their campaigns…. right patti… BTW are you still on the board of a winery? Would explain why u want to keep labor costs for fruit pickers as low as possible.

  2. Grumpy ole guy
    Mar 10, 2014, 3:16 pm

    When candidates file to run for office do they have to offer proof of residence? Who verifies, the County Clerk? The Secretary of State? The DVM?

  3. McKenzies business is on Franklin and it wouldn’t be beyond him to have create a little Suite for himself. He has no cruples and never has. He can end up in a sink hole which perhaps he is close.

    Senator Brandon Durst resigned recently due to his dual residences between here and Seattle with regard to her job. If he were there part time on weekends then why would this be a problem?
    As to the fruit pickers they never paid above minimum anyway and illegals would have been lucky to get that.

  4. Anyone remember the developer who wanted to be mayor of star… lived in cali full time… no one checked him out.

  5. Actually, it’s none of our business where Curt MacKenzie lives while he’s in the process of divorce. Many parents leave the children in the family home and take turns coming to the home to give the children a sense of stability. I understand residence is an issue, especially when public officials don’t spend much time in the areas they claim to live in. But we overstep the bounds of decency and privacy when we start to ruminate about Senator MacKenzie’s legal address in the midst of a divorce–especially when there are children involved.

  6. Foothills Rider
    Mar 12, 2014, 1:21 pm

    Related question:

    Where does Sharon Ullman live? Remember the infamous Ada County Commish? Suddenly she pops up regularly supporting Fulcher. In November 2013, she was at a Meridan Hotel for a support/event. Yet in disclosures of Fulcher contributions (Feb 2014) she was a resident of Draper, Utah. And, today, the Statesman posts a ‘Letter to Editor’ from Sharon Ullman of Meridian. As Ms. Ullman has proven herself to be a serial politician, inquiring minds want to know where she legally lives, and where she votes…especially since it is only a matter of time before her name shows up on a ballot.

    EDITOR NOTE–Our best source says her new hubby works in both Utah and Idaho, so they tend to spend extended periods of time in both locations. If you care enough, check with the Ada voter records to see if she is still registered in Ada County.

  7. I would have thought Sharon would have went back to cali…isn’t that where she’s from?

  8. Rizo The way you put it I guess you feel that since these farmers have never been willing to pay a decent wage they should be allowed to have labor at minimum wage provided to them by the state. Am I correct?
