Just Seeking An ACHD Seat, Not “Who?” JUST

Former EVERYTHING, Rick Just, is seeking the district 4 ACHD seat currently held by Mitch Jaurena (how-ray-nah) who is seeking re-election.
rick 2012-2
Just is a former radio guy, raconteur, author, PR man, Idaho Parks planning official, member of numerous recreation-oriented groups, and has a name which is, well, Just easier to pronounce than Jaurena.

Both Just and Juarena are former Marines, so no matter who you vote for, you will be “rotten to the Corps.”

With two seats up for grabs, The November ACHD contest is shaping up to be a race between pro-Bieter and pro-ACHD candidates.

Paul Woods is a former city employee running against Robert Bruce in the north county District 3 race and Jaurena, in south county Dist 4 has opposed Boise in recent votes over bike lane issues.

While he has nice words for ACHD, it isn’t clear if he will be a “Team Dave” supporter or claim to be an independent voice if elected. Just told the GUARDIAN he has contacted all the mayors in the county, seeking their opinions regarding ACHD. He also told us he went to grad school with Paul Woods.

“ACHD generally does a good job planning for and maintaining roadways in the county,” Just said Tuesday in a press release. “I’d like to see that continue, but I want to see more emphasis on alternate forms of transportation. Bike paths seem scattered around the county almost randomly with many major corridors ignored.”

He is a native Idahoan who has lived in unincorporated Ada County since 1982. Based on his press release, Just has ridden everything but horses and mules to work. He said he has commuted by bus, bike, car and motorcycle and claims to have ridden a horse to school a couple times.

“We have to find innovative ways to make commuting better for drivers and bike riders, alike,” Just said. “The way the two modes mix now in many places is dangerous. Bikes are legal on all ACHD roads, but on many of them it isn’t safe for school kids and commuters to mix with traffic.”

The ACHD Commission has five members who serve four-year terms. Commission seats are nonpartisan and do not appear on the primary ballot in May. Citizens can vote for only a single candidate in the district where they reside. That means 80% of the citizens are not allowed to vote for members of the ACHD board. There seems to be no politician willing to stand for a county-wide race for ACHD. Campaign expenses are lower and it takes fewer votes to win with only 20% of the population eligible to vote.

The commission sets policy for the district — the only countywide highway agency in Idaho. It serves all residents of Ada County and its six incorporated cities. The compensation for the part-time post is a monthly stipend of $1,771. The president of the commission, chosen annually from among the commissioners, receives an additional $356 per month.

The last day to file to run for an ACHD seat and appear on the Nov. 4 ballot is Aug. 6.

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  1. Rick writes about Growthaphobe’s in his latest book, Keeping Idaho Private. Or maybe he could be poking fun of all the NIMBY’s.
    I may need to read this for fun. His Snapshots book is a nice read to learn some factoids around Idaho.

    To say the least, he seems like an interesting guy. His qualifications are not typical of the other candidates, which might be a nice change.

  2. Rod in SE Boise
    Jul 9, 2014, 11:09 am

    Pro-Bieter or pro-ACHD. Heck-of-a-choice.
