Interesting Stuff

Bunch Of Balloons Blast Above Boise


Friday sunrise was meet with balloons over Ann Morrison Park.  Photo copyright DAVID R. FRAZIER

Friday sunrise was met with balloons over Ann Morrison Park. Photo copyright DAVID R. FRAZIER

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  1. Great photo!

  2. Based on count of comments attributed, positive news doesn’t sell. However, these balloons are one good result from all the hot air generated at city hall.

    About the photo, What is the cause of the striations running nearly horizontally just above the sun and most visible center of photo? Was there thin stratus or cirrus? Filter? Electronics overwhelmed by the sunlight? It looks like something phasic or polarizing?

    EDITOR NOTE–All of the above.

  3. Thanks for the pic. I was able to take my kids to the evening balloon glow event, and it was great. Speaking with a friend who is living in Hong Kong, they lamented few types of such activities are available where they live. While I will admit to disdain to the frequency and magnitude of street closures to accommodate so many races, walks, festivals etc, I admit some hypocrisy in that criticism as these types of events making living in Boise great.

  4. Those striations are jpeg compression artifacts.
