City Government

Eberle To Leave Boise Council Post?

Word on the street has it that Boise City Councilor Dave Eberle is seeking refuge in Garden City. We have it from several sources that Eberle is building a home in Garden City and his north end digs are up for sale.

This will leave yet another seat up for appointment by Team Dave’s Mayor Dave Bieter. While we can seldom get anyone to run for local office if they have to face voters, the last time there was a vacant seat up for appointment, more than 50 applied. To his credit, Eberle won on his own merits the first time around in a run off. He promptly introduced an ordinance that did away with runoff elections.

Eberle has maintained a low profile on the council and also sits on the board of CCDC, the urban renewal agency. We suspect, like former councilor Alan Shealy, Eberle is tired of endless meetings and suffering critics likes the GUARDIAN.

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  1. Why don’t you run Dave?

    EDITOR NOTE–I thank you for your kind support, but I am not a candidate and if nominated, I will not serve.
    However, if you want to push the green DONATE button, we can always use the help with parking, record requests,
    expenses to maintain the site, etc. No doubt I can do more “public service” with the GUARDIAN than as an
    outsider city councilor.

  2. Dave, happy to make my annual donation to the Guardian, or 10 times that amount to your candidacy campaign.
