
Judge Says Wright Was Wrong

Former Ada County director of administrative services Rich Wright’s lawsuit against current Commishes Dave Case and Jim Tibbs has been dismissed in Fourth District Court by Judge George Carey in the form of a summary judgement filed by the county’s attorney.

Wright sued the county for unlawful termination claiming the county violated the “whistle blower act,” Federal Family Leave Act, and inflicted emotional distress. He was fired when Tibbs and Case took office.

He was seeking in excess of $25,000 in damages but the court dismissed the case “with prejudice” which means it cannot be refiled.

“We are pleased with the decision of the court, and look forward to moving ahead with county business,” was the statement from the current Commishes.

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  1. Had he been female or minority would he have won?

  2. So Rich won’t be getting Rich?

  3. I wonder whether Maneeely will sue when the next regime takes over and cans him.
