
CWI Outgrows Big Brother BSU

While enrollment at Boise State University has flattened, the folks at College of Western Idaho are scrambling to accommodate fast paced growth.

BSU revenues are slowing to about a 1% annual growth rate, down from 4% in past years, prompting administrators to cut back on spending to save more than $7 million.

Meanwhile CWI is going gangbusters. According to a press release, College of Western Idaho (CWI) is helping future students take the first step in starting college this fall with Free Application Week, March 23-30. Anyone who applies to CWI during Free Application Week will have the $25 application fee waived. To date, more than 3,900 people have taken advantage of the free application initiative to advance their education.

Free Application Week is intended to encourage future students to apply now so they are ready to register for the fall semester when class registration opens in April. Students who register early have a greater opportunity to get classes before they are full as well as complete other important steps like applying for financial aid and scholarships.

Anyone interested in applying to CWI can fill out the online application at CWI. For more information on becoming a student at CWI, visit

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  1. Grumpy ole Guy
    Mar 23, 2015, 10:00 pm

    When what became CWI was still a part of BSU, the idea was that, that campus would take enrollment away from the crowded and cramped and parking space starved main campus. It was also thought that to have most of the Vo-Tec classes transferred to the “west campus” would, somehow, make the main campus more “academically appearing”.

    Clearly the success of CWI is meeting a felt need among the population. The impression it leaves is that not only do students look to the price/value of the two campuses in an only bottom line, not academic reputation manner; but, that BSU’s dropping of traditional liberal arts classes, such as the deep cuts to the History
    Department, indicates, once again, that schools of higher education are no long devoted to higher education. Their focus seems to be on non-Vo-Tec job training preparation, not true higher education. All in pursuit of dollars, not the responsibility to educate.

  2. GoG,, that’s a good thing though right?

    Want to learn history? pick-up a book.

    Why would anyone want to spend $20,000 a year to get a History degree?

    The old days of family money sending “Junior” to a university to frat around with other rich kids to learn about Greek mythology, poetry, and master literature are gone.

    Middle America needs job skills. “Education” is a luxury.

  3. Bieter Begone
    Mar 24, 2015, 10:54 am

    Grumpy, at the end of the day, colleges/universities are in the business of selling credits. If those lead to a degree- great! If not, they still have sold the credits.

  4. Read 5 books on a subject (100% free at the library) and be considered an expert on a given subject, or pay through the nose and waste a lot of time doing it the college way. College, and school in general, teaches how to be an obedient cog in the corporate machine.

  5. Grumpy ole Guy
    Mar 24, 2015, 5:59 pm

    Well, I am the child of a blue=collar father and traditional housewife who, today would be termed members of the working poor. I Lived at home with my parents, worked two part-time school year jobs and one full-time Summer job and paid my own tuition, books, fees, etc. I earned my degree in four years, went to day, night, and Summer classes. I majored in History, with minors in English Lit, Political Science and American Lit. How’s that for job training. I have lived what I consider to be a greatly enriched life, due to my college education. I never became rich, but I never expected to do so. I feel as though I made a contribution to society. My wife and I raised three children, who, among them hold 10 college degrees and who are also contributing to Society in positive manners.

    When I started college in the 1950’s the purpose of an education was to educate. It was expected that job training was done either by employers, or through the pursuit of additional education which was job training in its orientation. My classmates went on to become both professional and non-professional workers and some entered the arts (music, artists, writers), and some became stay-at-home parents. Some became farmers, working either their families land, or entering into that activity as a new venture. We number no millionaire among us, and no paupers. We do number happy, well-informed, culturally appreciative folks.

  6. GoG, that all sounds great- for back then in the 50’s.
    Which college out of curiosity?
    Cost back then?

    Even on second thought,,, not even sure that sounds great for then. In a time when science was working toward sending a person to the moon, the highway system was being designed and built, cites expanding by leaps and bounds, skyscrapers, aviation, ,,, oh man all the exciting things happening in the 50’s and 60’s. –and then there was English Lit.
    No wonder why you’re Grumpy.
