City Government

Tough Sledding At Eagle Snow Park

The operator of Eagle’s Snow Park on Old Highway 55 is facing a meltdown of sorts.

Ryan Neptune is facing a lawsuit claiming he has not repaid loans from Scott and Amelia Carter amounting to $226,000 in principal and interest.
Neptune also purchased the old Lazy J tavern property next to the Gateway Park (snow park and bike trails). The park was purchased from Ada County last year by the City of Eagle, but the trashy area next door remains in Ada County’s jurisdiction, privately owned by Neptune.

Both Ada County officials and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have launched investigations of Neptune’s activities relating to code violations and removal of asbestos. He missed a March 31 cleanup deadline with the county.

Two years ago Ada Commishes and Eagle City Councilors were at odds over a lease agreement which allowed Eagle to use the county land for $1 a year for a park. When the city decided to allow Neptune to operate a for-profit venture on the land, the county balked, prompting Eagle to pay $200,000 essentially for the benefit of Neptune. At this point it looks like the Commishes were justified in their doubts.

Based on reports in the Independent News, a newspaper serving Eagle, Neptune’s snow park fell far short of financial predictions during the past winter. The city got only $4,500 and the operator still owes other debts.

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  1. Surprise, surprise, surprise. Not

  2. Just exactly when was the last time it snowed in Eagle, or was below freezing for that matter?

    The Saudis have proven that a snow park can be operated in a desert climate. With enough money anything is possible. Thus the high-desert city of Eagle simply should have made the contract with the Saudis and we’d be sledding all summer.

    Clearly someones were snowed when approving public involvement with this idea.

  3. Grumpy ole Guy
    Apr 8, 2015, 10:09 pm

    In the bidding process for the game of Bridge, the axiom is “Never bid just to try to improve your partner’s bid”. Words to live by in many instances.

  4. If he really did handle and dispose of the asbestos incorrectly Neptune is toast.

    Owyhee Construction mishandled asbestos on a job in Orofino and it didn’t end well for the company or the project managers. Heavy fines, cleanup restitution to EPA at $3 million and jail time for two employees. Bad juju to mishandle asbestos.

  5. Aggrieved Party
    Apr 9, 2015, 9:30 pm

    When Mr. Neptune claimed 3100 visitors in just a few days to the Eagle Island edition of the “snow park” I was surprised by the number. Fast forward one year and 4500 visitors all year is both sad and more believable. Eagle’s 172k purchase price for the 43+ acres from the county is looking more like a loss leader and “community benefit” than a good business deal. Just think of it as a 40 year mortgage with no interest, because at the current rate of return it will take another 38 years to make Eagle taxpayers whole again. Patrons who braved the mud did look like they were having fun though!

  6. Government in entertainment, again.

  7. How many times do we see tax money wasted and elected officials spending tax money on things that they have no business (pun intended)spending our tax money on?

  8. Time to take responsibility for this mess.
    Can not expect others to pay for this mess. Or act like Neptune had no idea what was in those buildings.
    Neptune wants it done for free without any of his money in the process?
