
W. Michigan Lost $400,000 on Spud Bowl

The DETROIT NEWS revealed Wednesday that Western Michigan University lost more than $400,000 coming to Boise in December for the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl.

Like most schools, the big draw was to perform on ESPN TV. The biggest part of the travel bill was for the 305 member marching band. The school has never won a bowl game (0-6).

The total cost was $913,542. The MidAmerica Conference (MAC) accounted for $475,000, which left WMU with a bill of $438,542. Boise promoters will tout the local benefits of the game and WMU fans say the band was great.

Also today, BSU has announced at least six of the 2015 home games will be played on Friday night—the traditional time for local high school games. Again, it’s the money boys at ESPN and the other TV folks calling the shots.

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  1. Humm I wonder how much money they sent to the U of I after they tore up the U of I locker room after winning the game?

  2. Interesting?

  3. Chris Patrick
    Jul 6, 2015, 3:14 pm

    But if they didn’t make any money then we wouldn’t have football. I am by no means a big fan of ESPN and some of their dealings,but we can’t expect them(espn)to invest without getting a maximum return. It’s the same situation with modern cinema. We get angry for Hollywood for wanting to make $…? However,we want them to spend millions on making entertainment for us. As well, doesn’t the time zone play a part in Boise’s primetime slot?
    Thanks Dave! Love the site!
    -Chris Patrick/FL
