
Before You Vote, Get Registered!

September 22nd is National Voter Registration Day. The Ada County Elections office is partnering with local cities, libraries and Boise State University’s Associated Students of Boise State University to provide registration services to the people of Ada County.

Over the past three decades, voter participation has seen a steady decline. Research shows that an effective way to address this trend is to make it easier to register and vote. Once someone is registered, she is much more likely to go to the polls on Election Day. This year marks the first official National Voter Registration Day on September 22, 2015, and Ada County is proud to take an active part in recognizing it.

In order to address the issue of ever-decreasing voter participation, Ada County Elections is celebrating this day in hopes that it will remind the people of Ada County that voting is more than just about politics and partisanship. It is about celebrating the right of civic responsibility. Ada County Elections, in cooperation with the wider community, encourages everyone to register to vote.

Anyone interested in registering can do so at any of the following locations during regular operating hours to register; the Quad at BSU, the Meridian Library Cherry Ln. Branch, the Meridian Library Silverstone Branch, the Garden City Public Library, Kuna City Hall and of course, the Ada County Elections Office located behind DMV. If you are unsure if you are already registered or have questions, please contact Ada County Elections at (208)287-6880 or [email protected].

Election day is November 3. Early voting starts in a month–October 19. Ada Elections will have early voting at 400 N. Benjamin as usual and hope to also offer early voting at Meridian City Hall and at Indigent Services east of the Courthouse on Front Street.

Ballots for all elections within the county will be available at each location. Of course only registered voters of the appropriate district or city will be allowed to vote.

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  1. If more people voted, the outcome would be the same. Statistical sampling needs only a tiny sample to accurately reflect the majority. I’m guessing here, but probably 200 random people could vote and it would be the same as if everyone voted.

    The outcome of voting is nearly always manipulated by the corporate media and money that buys signs, ads, and events that bring the candidate attention, funded by rich folks having a fund raising soirée.

    Voting offers the illusion of democracy and legitimizes the power of the rich folks puppets. I won’t be a part of it.

  2. Thanks for the reminder, Dave. I didn’t see it anywhere else at least not yet.

  3. Eagle Writer
    Sep 22, 2015, 10:49 am

    It is indeed a great day and one for celebration. The very fact that we can register to VOTE should have a smile on all of our faces. And we should pause to thank those who vote and those who defended our right to do so.

    In the Constitution of Athens, a quote attributed to Aristotle, “When the people is master of the vote it becomes master of the government.”

    It is thus our lack of voting that allows the government to become our master.

    J Smith’s conceit that the people are manipulated by corporate media and money can only happen if people like him do not vote.

    Scott Walker is a case in point. He was a darling in the early Republican primary, a successful and popular (with the people) governor, with the chops to make things happen. He raised money and had backers.

    But Mr. Walker faded on the stage with little ideas and little leadership demonstrated. The people scored him poorly and he shrank in the polls. Money could not prop him up beyond what the people allowed. And when the people withdrew the money followed the people – not the reverse.

  4. @J Smith—-I don’t think any of the rich folks or their puppets care you do not vote, in fact ironically I think you are doing exactly what they want you to do, making you the puppet. Your protest posture of not voting actually empowers the incumbents and supports the status quo you despise. Discover a candidate you can support, or become a candidate yourself, and be active in the system for change.

    I sympathize and share your disdain for a system that favors the privileged and connected, but doing nothing (AKA not voting), never brought about meaningful change.

  5. Grumpy ole Guy
    Sep 22, 2015, 8:19 pm

    I am both old and grumpy. I was raised to believe that voting was both a privilege and obligation. Not voting is disrespectful and unpatriotic, according to the mind-set of those who raised me. The youngest of my grandparents, my paternal grandmother was 40 years old before women got the right to vote; she NEVER failed to vote. That is a model for everyone who gives a damn.

  6. JJ – What makes you think I do nothing? Voting is nothing. Thinking a republic can survive by encouraging people to spend 30 minutes every few years is patently rediculous. Being politically active and running for office is what I’ve done. I speak from experience. It’s all a fraud.

    EW – Lack of voting is not how the government became our master. They became our master by scaring us into giving up our freedom for supposed safety. The local TV is 24/7 scary news, and “govt is the hero who saves you” propaganda programs. On the national level, they fund and train terrorists all over the world, then show us the resulting devastation claiming that the terrorist groups are coming for us next. Fear is how they enslave us, and never ending war is the excuse they use to keep us enslaved.

  7. If I register it means I can only vote once… As an illegal I can vote many times? At least that’s what the nice public service lady told me on 311… so why should I register.
