
Capitol Security Chief Charged

The security manager for the Idaho State capitol and other state buildings faces felony charges in connection with the theft and forgery case involving a former Ada County Treasurer worker reported last week by the GUARDIAN.

The Statesman reported April Rice’s position today. She has been placed on administrative leave and folks at the AG office are tight lipped about the case. Arraignment for April Rice, the state security worker, and Eleasha Jenkins (Hilliard) is set for February 26 in 4th District court. Neither woman was arrested and both were summoned to appear for arraignment…hence no mug shots.

The charges were filed by deputies in the office of Attorney General Lawrence Wasden.

The allaged crimes involve wills, auto titles and a check for about $31,000 all administered by the Ada treasurer in connection with estates where the deceased had no will and no surviving relatives.

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  1. I predict it goes beyond $31,000, I think the secrecy from the AG is more than just protocol, I think maybe larger losses or more people involved.

    Thanks for covering this and other stories…

  2. Here’s the deal… lack of good internal controls leaves a door open for monetary mischief. If you leave it open long enough eventually someone will walk through that door thinking they will never be caught.

    This same thing happened at the Vehicle License Office in Canyon County a few years back, the losses amounted to over $300k before it was caught by one of the very people stealing money from the DMV office.

    Good internal accounting controls over public money will deter those who are tempted to misappropriate public or private monies.

  3. Grumpy ole Guy
    Feb 10, 2016, 9:23 pm

    Thanks Flyhead. What is the solution? Who puts controls in place? Is public out-cry needed, pressure upon Legislators? What?

  4. Typical Idiot Voter
    Feb 11, 2016, 1:29 pm

    Why are you covering these government corruption issues without a single word about the Superbowl halftime scandal? I just don’t understand this publication.

    Also, how do I figure out what city I live in? Who is this Bernie Sanders guy? Will he give me as much free stuff as Obama?

  5. Reply to Grumpy ole Guy: I believe the answer lies with Generally Accepted Good Accounting Practices. Any good audit looming in the daily activities, monthly balance sheet information and the actual annual audit should dissuade the temptation to pilfer. “Also, bonding” of employees is another tool in the tool box along with background checks. Finally, a review of employee credit reports can give a good picture of how trustworthy people are. If they aren’t paying their bills then they become highly suspect for on the job reliability when handling money.
