City Government

New Spin On Boise “Job Creation”

ImageGenTwo full weeks before April Fools Day, Boise Mayor Dave Bieter’s “Team Dave” plans to make a sales pitch to increase staff size which will cost millions in taxpayer dollars in years to come, all because they have an extra $500,000 of citizen’s cash burning a hole in their pocket.

According to the BOISE WEEKLY, Team Dave claims the new positions are immediately necessary to be “responsive to operational needs” but “do not require additional spending authority” or additional funds added to the current Fiscal Year 2016 budget. Whaaaaat?

Of course there is no mention of the ongoing cost each year. These made up job titles would be a great April Fools joke, unfortunately they are all too real. Our favorite creation is the $134,000 position of “an internal consultant to City leadership on innovation, continuous improvement, strategic planning, data analysis and project management.” Whaaaaaat?

Another favorite is “Employee Culture Coordinator” to help foster “an atmosphere of employee engagement” We can’t tell if this is because city staffers need culture or they need to get married. Whaaaaat?

The positions and their accompanying annual salaries (which include benefits) are as follows:

Arts & History Department
Position: Cultural Assets/Conservation Program Assistant to help manage the city’s public art collection valued at nearly $5 million
Salary: $62,000

Community Engagement
Two Positions: Department Coordinator and Graphic Designer
Combined Salary: $186,000

Human Resources
Position: Employee Culture Coordinator to help foster “an atmosphere of employee engagement”
Salary: $94,000

Mayor’s Office
Position: Strategic Innovation and Performance Director to serve as “an internal consultant to City leadership on innovation, continuous improvement, strategic planning, data analysis and project management”
Salary: $134,000

Parks and Recreation
Position: Open Space Restoration Specialist to support the city’s Open Space Reserve Management Plan
Salary: $86,000

The pitch will be made at a city council work session Tuesday March 15 at 3:30 p.m..

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  1. I’m guessing the “Strategic Innovation and Performance Director” is going to be doing the work that Dave Bieter and the Boise City Councilors would be doing if they weren’t busy planning their trolley route, and running from one construction site to the next with their golden shovels.

    EDITOR NOTE–Mr Smith, you give too much credit to mayor and council. They already have a guy working full time on the trolley along with an outside consultant. James Pardy was pulled from his usual duties of designing city sewers two years ago to be the city’s liaison to a circulator analysis, overseen by the URS Corporation.

  2. Brian Vermilion
    Mar 12, 2016, 7:19 pm

    Hey, you guys voted him in again.

  3. Brian –
    “The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do”
    Joseph Stalin

    Until we practice “Democracy” where people have real information, not corporate media fabrications, and vote by a show of hands, I’ll assume voting is a total fraud and hand picked politicians are being placed in office by a few super powerful people lurking in the shadows (oligarchs).

    Did you know you can hire a company called “Rent a Crowd” to hold protest rallies like Trump is experiencing now? Do you understand that our “media” is an arm of the state nearly identical to what they had in Soviet Russia? Nothing is as it seems anymore. A police state bent on protecting itself at any cost has arrived. We’ve lost the Republic, just like our founding fathers warned would happen. Voting results mean nothing.

  4. With more employees maybe they can get better utilization rates on their 1500 vehicles.

  5. Eagle Writer
    Mar 13, 2016, 9:20 am

    There is something prophetic and actually honest about the mayor getting his trolley guy and plans out of the sewer…

  6. If these were state jobs the salaries would be less than half what the cities starting pay is.

  7. Foothills Rider
    Mar 13, 2016, 3:22 pm

    Still waiting to see or hear any word of the “Community Outreach” Ms. Camacho Mendoza stated was her main goal when she accepted Bieter’s offer of the highly compensated parttime position as Director of Office of Police Oversight (formerly Ombudsman,full-time served honorably by Pierce Murphy). There have been a number of protests, marches, cultural and police events where Camacho Mendoza was strangely absent. This, plus these new jobs imply Bieter has a excess money floating around for positions with flowery descriptors but no real purpose or visibility.

  8. And yet the fire department pines about not having enough money.

    For year ended 9/2014 city revenues exceeded expenses by 11 million.
    Actual expenses were much less than budgeted.
    Just consider the volume of fuel the city consumes- a drop in price = excess tax-dollars collected….

    Budget results for 2015 is not published yet. Oct to March… 6 months to put together a report that runs monthly? Sounds like ISP’s investigation team.

    What shall we do with all this cash?
    Give them money and they will spend it.

  9. Yossarian_22
    Mar 13, 2016, 9:16 pm

    Wow….these new positions really look comfy. $94K for employee culture….I need to sign up for that. I’m a cultural dynamo for $94K/yr. I don’t have any college creds other than auto mechanics but I have lived here for 53 years. I’ve got Boise cultural history pouring out my ears. I’d probably not get the job because I’m guessing they are looking to import a whole new culture into Boise, maybe from offshore. I guess we’ll find out when they hire their fully vetted and credentialed cultural Czar.

  10. The strategy job just means that one more of the Mayor and city Council friends can have another big paying job.

    All these jobs go to buddy’s anyway.

  11. remember the money could be coming from the United Water Franchise Fee. since off loading the hydrant maintenance to United Water the Public Utility Commission suggested the City cut their franchise fee (tax), of which $450K was for hydrants (almost the $500K needed for these jobs), to which the city responded the PUC should mind their own business.

    another example how the city works around the rules for budget and tax increases.

    EDITOR NOTE–Based on agenda documents it appears the money is “unused” in the various departments. We have noticed a pattern almost every year whereby department heads are ordered (advised, encouraged) to hold back 10% of their approved budgets. Then at the end of the year the council has a spending spree for “one time” items. Some are no doubt needed, others are not.

  12. I can see it now… Nepotism will not be tolerated in the choices to fill these jobs unless you are a friend or a relative.

  13. Well, at least keeping the attention on all these new ideas there is no real rumble from the rank and file who are severely underpaid. Use any measure you want – national average, poverty guidelines, or spot on the pay scale, the city is trying to force rank and file to quit so they can hire even cheaper. By force to quit I’s saying starve them with no discretionary income. Also they’ve got lots of little summer entertainment type jobs that suck funds from necessary rank and file.
