
Ullman-Case Ada Commish Recount Set

We just received news that Idaho Attorney General LAwrence Wasden has ordered the Ada County Clerk to do an election ballot recount in several precinct in the Republican primary race between Sharon Ullman and Dave Case.

Here is the clerk’s press release.

Tomorrow, June 16th, the Ada County Elections Office will be conducting a recount in the republican race for Ada County Commissioner, District 3. Following a written request by candidate Sharon Ullman to recount six precincts (1406, 1413, 1501, 2101, 2207, and 2211), the Attorney General issued orders to impound the ballots and conduct the recount. The recount will be overseen and directed by the offices of the Attorney General and Secretary of State.

The process will begin at 8:30 am with a Logic and Accuracy test to ensure the tabulation equipment is in working order. At 9:00 am the recount will begin with a hand recount of 200 ballots followed by a machine recount of all remaining ballots in each of the requested precincts.

UPDATE 6/16/16
Today, June 16th, the Ada County Elections Office conducted a recount for the republican Ada County Commissioner, District 3 race in the following six precincts: 1406, 1413, 1501, 2101, 2207, and 2211. After the full recount of all six precincts, the results remain unchanged.

The recount process was overseen by the Attorney General’s Office and a letter confirming the results of the recount will be issued within the next day.

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  1. WTF?

    As I recall she was trounced. Is there any way, statistically, that a recount in six close precincts could overturn the overall result?

    The people of Ada County are so indebted to you, Sharon.

  2. Brian Vermilion
    Jun 16, 2016, 9:29 am

    She is such an embarrassment and a sore loser. I doubt there were 1,300 mistakes in the ballots which was the difference in her latest election failure. Learn to accept defeat Sharon.

  3. Not sure that gamble paid off. She now owes $600 for the recount. I wonder why she asked and how she decided on 6 precincts.

  4. Go figure! Recount tally exactly the same as original count…..minus $600.
