
BoiseDev Blog Hints At Stadium Deal

A new voice on the news/blogging scene is BoiseDev (elopement) operated by KTVB-7 refugee Don Day who ran the website for the TV station.

His family has deep roots in Boise–family owns Vista Village and an uncle was once mayor.

He recently posted a “Scoop” about Mayor Dave Bieter’s apparent behind-the-scenes efforts to build a downtown soccer and/or baseball park. Like most projects, details get released only after it’s a “done deal,” minimizing public scrutiny or opposition.

After the just-announced bond proposal of $180 million for a CWI junior college expansion, local taxpayers shouldn’t even feel the pain if asked to pay for a new stadium to benefit an out of town sports promoter.

Take a look at Day’s post, it is insightful.

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  1. I can tell you one thing, the fairgrounds site won’t work. Glenwood and Chinden simply doesn’t have the traffic capacity nor the connectivity to make it viable.

    Idahoans need to quit thinking small potatoes.

  2. More Taxes Good!
    Sep 6, 2016, 10:34 pm

    We need a new tax anyway

  3. Please add a transit improvement district tax on businesses and residences downtown so we can finally achieve the dream of moving comrades from the various tax districts on rail

    Maybe a tourist tax tour, start with the $4M CWI Boise property bought for a bargain $9M and tour one of the properties they want to invest part of $180M on, ride a tax funded light rail from CWI, through the CCDC tax increment financing district of West-Downtown, through the current CCDC tax increment district of downtown, stopping by the soon-to-be tax supported professional sports complex, and ride that rail to a hotel bar for a drink within the Greater Boise Auditorium Hotel Tax District base to help fund the no-public vote financed auditorium expansion. End the tour in the foothills on public land bought through a bond paid by increased taxes.

  4. Day’s blog is interesting. Thanks for the tip.

  5. Using other people’s money for stadiums has long been how sports teams finance stadiums. It has yet to happen in Boise baseball. They get a great lease deal from the county, which is a fully funded effort, ie transfer of funds (tax money) that allows the stadium to keep the price of the entertainment down. How much can a family afford? I think the fairgrounds venue is easily expanded and updated for less than moving. It is a great location for Boise, Eagle, and all points west.

  6. If CWI passes the bond, and the city chips in to build the baseball park across the street, they will have successfully removed quite a bit of prime real estate from the tax roles. Now if we could just wedge in a church or two….

  7. Yossarian_22
    Sep 9, 2016, 1:13 pm

    You can’t eat sports. Bieter is a sports jock from Bishop Kelly HS. We have plenty of sports facilities. We don’t need any more publicly subsidized sports orgs. We need paying jobs and fair/low/smart taxes to support services that we NEED. Prop taxes are going to pay for this, I can feel it. Look at Vista Ave. It’s the red carpet of the city and it’s let down. It has a few gems to its credit (like Vista Village) but it needs enthusiasm to make it into a destination for a healthy economy. But instead, we are once again trying to add more diamonds to the Central Crystal Palace of high priced elitism. Who can afford to go out anymore? Quit trying to make us into the place that people are leaving….California.

  8. I don’t think that people will come from places like Nampa, Caldwell, Eagle, Meridian, Star, Middleton, etc. if there is a high priced stadium in the center of Boise. Once every two years maybe. Otherwise, they’ll strem it. The seats will be high priced for those who can afford them, and “corporate” such as in advertising and promotional expense.

    Minor league baseball is meant to be affordable for families, hourly employees, and the kids. But we create our own reality. If we build a big stadium and then a business in Boise gets a box and they invite influential people, they feel their experience is real. How about just wanting to watch a game? How about affording tickets “and” a hotdog?

    Any diverted use of the the Ada County Fairground property toward other venues when the ACF property is widely supported, centrally located, and a very good “public” venue is pandering to the $$$$. Where can you sit in a public place and look at the foothills while the sun sets than is better than ACF?

    This is where our elected officials could plan to see us out. Oh well, I’ll be dead or senile by then. Others can enjoy the view digitally.

    Unfortunately it will happen. A beautiful public venue will go to the bankers in Garden City.

  9. More Taxes Good!
    Sep 9, 2016, 11:34 pm

    To build an unneeded and unwanted stadium with public money is to benefit the builder/developer. Then the builder/developer shares some of that money with the politicos who diverted the public money for the project. Otherwise know as theft by swindle. Or money laundering. And a few other crimes. It’s same/similar to US-Aid money to some dumpy little country which then makes a huge donation to the Clinton foundation.

    How’s the Nampa Center coming along? How about a public viewing of that financial history.

  10. Holding cities everywhere hostage to having and keeping sports franchises is nothing short of blackmail. I say if they want a new stadium then let them pay for it themselves. Having a monetary stake in a community would stop all the frenetic bidding for team sports of all kinds. They have the money, just look at what they are paying players at all levels of sports.

    Just look at the bleachers at the Hawks games when they pitch a new stadium.. way less than a full house. A new stadium will not put more butts in the seats. Why then does Boise need to spend scarce tax dollars on a less than full attendance sports stadium?

    EDITOR NOTE–This has little to do with sports. It is all about development, selling and buying real estate, condos, and commercial space.

  11. Corporate influence in cities is a major threat to democracy. In Minnesota, the Vikings spent $12 million lobbying the legislature and got a billion dollar stadium. Their share: $6 million. A hell of a deal, says political scientist David Schultz.
    Palms are greased; you can count on that!

  12. All citizens should be allowed to vote and elect our leaders, but I am looking for arguments as to why those who do not pay property taxes should be allowed to vote on property tax issues.

    I think when voting on property tax issues the combined value of the property taxes in the tax district should be quantified, each dollar equals one vote, I pay $3,000 in property taxes, I have 3,000 votes.

    Please tell me where I am wrong.

    (I understand that renters “pay” property tax as part of their rent, but I think the landlord has more at risk not the tenant, so I am looking for better arguments)

    EDITOR NOTE–Your “own to vote” plan goes back to feudal times. But more importantly, under your plan you would have to give up BILLIONS to the likes of Gardner, owners of the mall, and all sorts of non-residents who own property. In Valley County for example, the majority of taxpayers live outside the county. In short, these examples are why we favor the current “super majority” which requires a 2/3 vote to pass bonds.

  13. My favorite teams are the Indians and anybody else who can be the Boise Hawks. I will never go to proposed stadium w/o free tickets.

  14. JJ effectively asked: Why should people who don’t own real property be allowed to vote on property tax issues?

    Do you really think renters don’t contribute? Then you’ve never been a landlord. In fact, renters pay almost double the property tax due to owner occupiers getting an exemption. Renters should get 2 votes for every one vote of an owner occupier.

    Good thing for us owners that renters are hopelessly unorganized and have never challenged the constitutionality of the homeowner’s exemption.
