
Growthophobe’s Delight In Southern Elmore

Driving south on the Grandview Highway recently we noticed the type of development that warmed the cockles of our heart. There on the right side of the roadway just above the Simplot feedlot stood Fred Flintstone and his pal Barney at the opening to a cave-like opening in the lava rock.  No orange barrels, no bike lanes, no talk of a trolley.  Just a couple guys standing over a fire. The GUARDIAN offers a heart felt "Thank-you to whomever placed the caricatures along the road, bringing a smile to motorists traveling that direction.

Driving south on the Grandview Highway recently we noticed the type of development that warmed the cockles of our heart.
There on the right side of the roadway just above the Simplot feedlot stood Fred Flintstone and his pal Barney at the opening to a cave-like opening in the lava rock. No orange barrels, no bike lanes, no talk of a trolley. Just a couple guys standing over a fire.
The GUARDIAN offers a heart felt “Thank-you” to whomever placed the caricatures along the road, bringing a smile to motorists traveling that direction. If only we could get the CCDC to follow their lesson.

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  1. Frank Walker
    Sep 13, 2016, 4:33 pm

    Yes retreat back to the stone age when the earth was still flat and the earth was the center of the universe. I do like the picture!

  2. On my favorite list
    Sep 16, 2016, 10:03 am

    On my favorite list:

    Raised on these and similar cartoons… Owner’s of the originals can’t air them anymore because of the PC cultural revolution.
