Interesting Stuff

BSU Cactus Bowl Tickets At $4!

A GUARDIAN reader directed us to a “complete story” in the IDAHO PRESS TRIBUNE about the difficulty for BSU to sell more than 6,000 tickets for the BSU-BAYLOR Cactus Bowl in Phoenix at a minimum price of $39.50 when they can be had at $4-$6 on the secondary market. According to the IPT story, the bowl game could actually end up costing Boise State if the ticket allotment isn’t sold.

A STATESMAN STORY made no mention of the lower priced tickets nor the $39.50 rate for the cheapest tickets.

Some folks note the December 27 date does little to attract fans from either school. The cheap $4 seats, apparently the same as those being offered by BSU, are at VIVIDSEATS.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Money grubbing BSU deserves what they get. As for the Statesman… nobody ever accused sports reporters of being journalists. Most are just flacks for the local teams.

  2. It has been known for years that bowl games are a money loser for participating schools. Various media reports claim 40-50% of them lose money!

  3. Reality Sinks In
    Dec 15, 2016, 1:34 pm

    Hoping for a house cleaning in the next few years. Was some really really bad play calling this season. We knew it then, and really know it now, just how good Chris Petersen is.

  4. Reality Sinks In: Hoping for a house cleaning in the next few years. Was some really really bad play calling this season. We knew it then, and really know it now, just how good Chris Petersen is.

    Reality? IMO, a comment like that shows how far we’ve departed from “reality” in these parts! Seriously?!!? The Broncos finish with a 10-2 record, and people are calling for coach’s head?!? Frankly, it’s a relief in one sense… maybe the big-money offers will be less frequent and he’ll stick around for a few years.

    (Sorry – we’re straying off-topic. I agree that the cost of watching the Broncos has priced us working stiffs out. But I may prefer watching it on TV anyway, when there are 5-minute media time-outs and the game goes 4 hours.)

  5. OH BUT……Coach still makes his MILLIONS!!!

  6. Bikeboy.. you have to pony up to watch on tv too.. unless you pony up for cable or satellite. Same story for the NCAA final four in football this year.

  7. Needs to be a cap on college coaches salaries. Maybe bonuses for wins. Them put the rest of the profits into scholarships for education.

  8. College football is trapped in a vicious whirlpool. Dependent on TV money they have to play too many games, often at terrible times and almost always with five minute time outs, they have to go to non paying bowl games, to appear competitive to recruits, they have to pay coaches more and more for less and less return and all at the expense of minimum wage college students (the scholarship is the minimum wage forced on the schools) who risk their health to play the game.

    I’ve been a college football fan for 50+ years and therefore I am part of the problem. Face it, fans exert too much pressure on the schools to win at any cost. Fans want more games, better coaches, harder hits, bigger stadiums and in most cases never even attended the school they support. No matter how much the schools try to emphasize academic achievement, it is always lost in the cheers for the football team. We are Romans yelling for blood in the coliseum. Like Romans we want the entertainment but do not want to pay the cost.

    The whirlpool continues to whirl out of control.
