
Statesman Building For Sale $6.9 million

Real estate listing image from John L. Scott

News to some and “old news” to others, the hometown paper without a printing press will be searching for a new home if the building at Curtis and Irving sells.

Don Day at BOISEDEV first broke the story several weeks ago. A reader offered us a “breaking news” tip today and it appears after reading BoiseDev it is about as breaking as the evening news reports on TV.

The facility was built in the early 1970’s on six acres of land. The building is being offered for $6.9 million by multiple realtors including John L. Scott Realtors at 3.5% interest over 30 years. A sign on the property lists Colliers as the agent. There is no mention of the Statesman and the image on the Scott website does not include the logo of the legacy newspaper.

Newspapers in general have fallen on hard times and the STATESMAN has stumbled along in recent years with various owners, numerous redesigns, elimination of the printing press (the Idaho Press Tribune in Nampa prints the Statesman), amateurish attempts at video clips on the website, and a strong tendency to offer up “magazine-style” coverage.

Daily local news is often limited to press releases from government agencies, cops, and charitable organizations. The news staff produces some quality coverage, but only when there is no deadline and the stories are not timely.

More than 10 years ago we posted THIS. About the only real change has been the dominance of TV and the decline of the printed word. Of course, SMARTPHONES have been a major cultural and social change along with Tweets and Facebook. Just ask the President-elect who doesn’t have much use for newspaper reporters.

Sale of the building makes good sense from a business perspective. With no printing press and no need to store paper, there is no reason to have a plant and warehouse facility on six acres of prime industrial land.

We are awaiting word on what is included in the sale as well as where the Statesman plans to relocate.

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  1. Interesting decline. So many stories that are in print and on their website are from National wire stories with so little actual local content. Perhaps the next logical progression will be to have one staff in a regional/national location that produces stories for all localities. Wait, already done by the former Statesman owners,USAToday

  2. Cancelled My Subscription
    Dec 19, 2016, 12:59 pm

    Please just close the Boise Rag!!! It is now run by a liberal editor from back east.

    The Boise Rag is printed in Nampa by the Press Tribune so just kill the Statesman and send us all the Press Tribune – we will certainly get more news and better journalism!

  3. When they moved there, people were surprised to find that the new location was the east/west population center of the city at that time. Most thought it was too far west. Maybe St. Al’s will buy.

  4. Timesgroup quoted the Don Day blog.

  5. What’s really frustrating for me is, where do we go to get accurate, timely NEWS? News, not stories with various spins from “experts” just news. I bought the digital edition of the Statesman and find it very frustrating to weave my way through all the advertising pop-ups and video bs.

  6. Ah, nostalgia!

    My first paying job was as a carrier (newspaperboy) for the Idaho Statesman – AFTERNOON edition! I’d dash from East Jr. High to my pickup point, just a block away, and deliver 40 or 50 thin papers. It was 35 cents a week, or 45 cents if you wanted the Sunday morning paper, too. (A buddy at East had a downtown paperboy job – standing on the street corner, selling papers to passers-by. It seemed glamorous, but he didn’t have a fixed customer base, like me.)

    It was a great learning experience… I learned that there were consequences to not doing your job properly, and that a few grownups would “stiff” a kid out of hard-earned pay. (I paid for my papers – I only earned if I collected. A couple times my trust in adult promises to pay me “at the end of the month” was ill-placed.)

    It was always a treat to visit the Statesman building – at the corner of 6th and Bannock (the building with the shiny white marble facade). They had a “newsroom” just like in the movies – rows of desks, and guys with their sleeves rolled up and green visors, clattering away on manual typewriters. LOTS of cigarette smoke hanging in the air.

    In the back – huge clanking cast-iron presses that looked 100 years old. But what was most fascinating for me was the typesetters – guys who would line up the cast-lead letters (backwards) into sentences and paragraphs. Photos etched onto a lead plate. They even had their own foundry – a big tub of molten lead, and molds for the letters and numbers in multiple sizes. Very “analog”! The transistor (and later the Internet) sure changed everything.

    If you’d told me the mighty Statesman would shrivel to a shell of its former self over the next 50 years, I never would’ve believed it!

    Erico49 is right! When they built their new headquarters on Curtis Road it seemed the height of foolishness! That was the west edge of town – just boonies, all the way to Meridian!

  7. Creative Writing
    Dec 20, 2016, 2:46 pm

    The end of The Statesman is at its own pen.

    The Statesman is victim of journalistic creative writing and lefty agenda pushing. As opposed to the simple complete unbiased coverage of all of the area’s important events. So arrogant are they now, they dare tell us who to vote for rather than simply giving us the facts on the candidates. Pravda was not profitable either. Good Riddance!

  8. The Idaho Statesman hasn’t been a purveyor of real news in a very long time, if ever. They are an advertisement delivery device, that bats for the rich folks.
    Hopefully they just shut down and die.
    My only source of real news for a very long time has been the Boise Guardian.

  9. I took a school field trip through the operating Statesman plant once upon a time. I thought it was cool to see the giant rolls of paper turn into a newspaper.

    I miss the days of dropping a real newspaper on the dining table to read through it and ponder the days news.

    There are plenty of decent “news” sources online – free and subscription. Hello WSJ, Idaho Business Review, nightly news, PBS, and even the liberal rag of BW with opinions.

    I can’t remember the last time I bought a Statesman paper.
    The reason: the Statesman SUCKS.

    Its started with their poor choices of writers and letting continue on using inaccurate information used to form bad opinion pieces instead of writing news.

    It’s not a matter of being in paper form or even being a liberal mouthpiece. There are examples of both that are still doing well.

  10. The Assessed Value for the property is 5.5 million.
    Maybe the asking price is just too high? We’ll see….

    Brings light to the other ongoing problem of county assessments being too low for many properties.

    Development land that is listed as cheap “Grazing Land” is at the top of that list.

  11. Clancy Anderson
    Dec 21, 2016, 12:07 pm

    Timesgroup is spam. They want you to click their link. You can delete this comment.

    EDITOR NOTE–DONE! On your authority alone.

  12. Someone once said, “if you don’t read an American newspaper, you are uninformed, but if you do read one, you are misinformed”, and Americans are thought to be the most misinformed people in the world.
    The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism just published a survey that found only 33% of Americans trust “the news”. The Sheeple are waking up, hence the mad dash to declare non-corporate news as “fake news” created by those evil Russians.
    There are 2 main reasons that newspapers are dying. One is Craigslist, which was created specifically to deny classified revenue to newspapers, which was their key revenue stream, by making classified ads free. This was done by a guy who understood just how evil the corporate media had become.
    The second reason newspapers are dying is because television “news” has become the most powerful propaganda device ever created. The human brain assimilates TV the same as it does reality, so the lies become reality for viewers, making newspapers irrelevant to the Oligarchs.

  13. While not a new occurrence, I was always concerned that the newspaper that historically was the main source of information and has the charge to inform the community, also felt the need to endorse politicians and ballot measures each voting cycle. There is not a reasonable separation of the newspaper and their editorial board, especially when the candidates then market their support by the paper.

    This has moved into TV news, I can not watch any national news service since they are more concerned with telling me how to believe rather than giving me information and letting me come to my own conclusions. They are entertainers, not journalists.

    I feel bad for the employees of the newspaper industry, but not for the industry itself which is a victim of its own demise and failure to adapt.

    I predict a change of location for the local paper also comes with another downsizing, and reliance on remote third-party content. How long until the paper’s news is just an app for local government and business to upload their press releases as “news”, then have some AI auto-generate a headline and by-line.

  14. @ AdMan… it is not advertised in their paper as they are well aware no one reads it and the world moved to on-line classifieds a decade ago. maybe it is on Craigslist, the broker is probably tweeting about it, maybe its been liked or shared on LinkedIn a few hundred times by now, but seen in the paper…. no

  15. In defense of the Statesman to a point. They have a few good reporters (even journalists). Sven Berg and Cynthia Sewell come to mind. I can’t think of anyone in local TV news who is in the same category.

    EDITOR NOTE–We agree on the reporters. A close read of the original post will show we were pretty fair in the report and note it is the times we live in–for the most part– that cause the decline of the printed word. Every community NEEDS a good newspaper.

  16. Creative Writing
    Dec 22, 2016, 1:59 pm

    Editor, suggest you make an offer to buy the namesake trademark ‘Idaho Statesman’ and restore it to its former glory. The patriotic connotation has got to be an irritant to the liberal snowflake owners and editors, so you can probably buy it for beer money (craft beer).

    EDITOR NOTE–Afraid the ECONOMIST post below says it all when it comes to the quality of the investment.

  17. Chickenhawk
    Dec 23, 2016, 6:22 pm

    I saw this coming ever since the printing press was removed and the Nampa paper took over printing operations. I used to take walks by this building when I worked nearby – the Statesman parking lot was almost always empty and you could just feel the sense of melancholy radiating from the building, even from the outside.

    My mother-in-law worked at the Statesman before the age of computers (and obviously before Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and the feeling back then was that if you worked at the newspaper, your job was safe because “everyone needs the paper.” If only they could see how wrong they were.

    I think that the Guardian hit the nail on the head with a prime reason why the Statesman is going the way of the dinosaur. Why should I have to pay up to $2 a day to read regurgitated PR spin from ACHD, City of Boise, State of Idaho, etc. when I could just get that same spin for free from the local TV and radio stations which pretty much do the exact same thing. There is little-to-no effort from any local media outlet to dig beneath the headlines… costs too much money. It’s better to just copy and paste.

  18. Newspapers and magazines all over the country are dying at an alarming pace. My impression of this demise is for several reasons:
    1. The internet moves at the speed of light. I often times get yesterdays news today in the local newspapers.

    2. People are inherently lazy and you actually have to read a newspaper while TV and Internet video only requires you to look and listen.

    3. I quit taking the Idaho Press Tribune when they cut out Monday’s newspaper and raised their subscription rates by $50/yr.

    4. Almost no investigative journalism can be found in newspapers anymore. Blogs break more news than most any other news outlets.

    5. Magazines, again they deliver last weeks news this week. I do still take Bloomberg Businessweek as they still have noteworthy articles

    6. You want news? Try the Wall Street Journal. I don’t know why local news outlets can’t follow their example. The WSJ is not cheap by any means but they do have a lot of newsy stuff. Even the TV news pulls stuff from the WSJ on a daily basis.

  19. Ministry of Truth is born
    Dec 25, 2016, 11:36 am

    Fraudulent “news” outlets like the Idaho Statesman were just given a new chance at life.

    Late Friday, buried in the NDAA legislation Obama signed, was the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act”.

    The Washington Post has primed the American public to equate “Russian Propaganda” with “fake news” (despite admitting after the fact that their own report was essentially fake”) while the US media has indoctrinated the public to assume that any information which is not in compliance with the official government narrative, or dares to criticize the establishment, is also “fake news” and thus falls under the “Russian propaganda” umbrella, the scene is now set for the US government to legally crack down on every media outlet that the government deems to be “foreign propaganda.”

    Just like that, the US Ministry of Truth is officially born.

    How long till the Boise Gaurdian gets labeled “fake news” due to its noncompliance with Team Dave news releases?
