A standing-room-only crowd of about 80 citizens met Thursday night at Whitney School for a “discussion” about the proposed basing of the noisy F-35 fighter jet at Boise’s Gowen Field.
With representatives from at least four neighborhood associations and a state legislator in attendance, the attendees voiced their concerns over the noise of the jets and the lack of response from elected officials over their concerns.
A group calling itself “Citizens for a Livable Boise” made some technical presentations and others vowed to attend the Tuesday April 4 City Council Meeting at 6 p.m. to protest Mayor Dave Bieter’s request for $100,000 in tax money to hire a consultant to promote the F-35 in Boise.
UPDATE NOTE: Council Friday has deferred consideration once again of the $100,000 appropriation for the mayor.
It would be fair to say the group seeks alternatives to the F-35 and generally supported the military, the air guard, and america. They just don’t want the extreme noise of the F-35.
Virtually the entire spectrum of elected officials in Boise, including the congressional delegation and Gov. Butch Otter have endorsed the F-35 for the Idaho Air National Guard, despite what appears to be growing opposition from citizens. Most people were concerned about the noise levels and the potential decline in the value of their homes.
City officials, the Air Guard and Chamber of Commerce say any of those concerns are offset by an estimated $155 million they claim will be pumped into the economy by the F-35.
The GUARDIAN filed a public records request for all F-35 e-mails to and from city officials since January 1, 2017. We were told there were nearly 4,000 messages exchanged and it would cost about $500 to obtain the records. We made a modified request for just those messages in and out of the office of the mayor and airport manager and the cost was reduced to about $100. When we get those messages, they will be made available to the public.
Click HERE for past stories on the F-35.
Mar 31, 2017, 9:09 am
Many thanks Dave for contributing your time and expertise to this issue. I stand ready to assist. For others that can help, please reach out to me and I can show you ways to contribute your energy. 208.850-3000.
Mar 31, 2017, 9:51 am
I am afraid the good people who attended this meeting will have little impact on the decision making for the F-35. If they want to mount a serious effort against the F-35 project, they will have to find a legal justification for their ire and find competent legal help. It takes money and the will to fend off opposition. Lots of money could be spent in this effort and it may not be enough to stop the ultimate decision on the F-35 base location.
Mar 31, 2017, 10:05 am
80 people.
It looks like the average age is about 80. Okay, I see the youngsters also.
2010 census puts Boise over 200,000 people.
Winston Churchill said, “You can always count on the Americans [Boise] to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.”
Mar 31, 2017, 11:44 am
I was there last night. Probably a bit more progress made in education of the attendees than in other meetings I’ve been to. But, there really needs to be better communication nodes built. A broad coalition is possible. I think the idea of better sound ordinances is a good idea, but could be lacking in alacrity. We can’t fight on 2 fronts without better support. We need more prominent people that will be impacted speaking out on this. Golfers at Hillcrest CC are going to feel the impact when those F-35s take to the skies. Has anyone talked to the Golf Course owners? There were some good questions asked last night and at least some waking up is happening.
Mar 31, 2017, 12:00 pm
Just got an e-mail from Amanda Brown (I was making inquiries about noise report, mtg, etc) that the City Council. April 4 consideration of the $$$ request has now been moved back. It states:
“Just an update that the resolution is going to be deferred and will not be before the Council for a decision on Tuesday, April 4th”.
Mar 31, 2017, 12:01 pm
It was a good meeting.
It is important to direct this energy towards the actual decision makers.
The USAF Secretary who will select 2 out of 5 candidate bases. She needs to hear the dissenting voices, over the chorus of City and State politicians who support F-35s not-in-their-backyard-but-ours.
City of Boise is the landlord of the IDANG base, and they can absolutely decide what belongs and what does not belong IN THE CITY. There is a city noise ordinance against the dogs barking. Perhaps F-35 noise can fall under that ordinance, if the city does not want to regulate ITS OWN AIRPORT NOISE.
Shame on Mayor Bieter for not being the leader for the whole city and importantly its residents.
Greed is not economics.
Greed is not commerce.
Greed is not best policy for the Livable Boise.
Mar 31, 2017, 1:01 pm
Just got word back from the City-
“Just an update that the resolution is going to be deferred and will not be before the Council for a decision on Tuesday, April 4th.
So, there still is a bit of democracy left. BUT….we must be on guard for EVERY Tuesday.
Mar 31, 2017, 1:20 pm
I don’t understand what all of the fuss is about! Does anyone really think the Airforce is going to place it’s top line fighter in the hands of part time weekend warriors? No! They are going to station those birds at regular duty airbases to be flown by active duty troops!
EDITOR NOTE–Sorry Darwin, there will be two Air Guard units selected under current plans.
Mar 31, 2017, 1:20 pm
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
Mar 31, 2017, 3:03 pm
Date; 3-31-17
I would to thank everyone everyone who took the time to attended the F-35 meeting last night.
Creating a valley F-35 website that is devoted to exposing the hazards the F-35 presents to our community is essential. Creating community unity to combat the destructive political agenda the majority our public servants on both sides of the isle have taken is critical.
I would like to propose that all board members of all valley neighborhood associations meet ASAP & map out our plan of action agenda.
Note; I stated all board members should be present to avoid conflict of interest issues.
I’m a board member of the newly formed South Cole Neighborhood Association where our president holds an administrative position; is also an employee of the Air Guard; our vice president who spoke last night is a full time Air Guard employee.
It would be unfair to expect board members who are employed by state or federal government or in the military to risk their employment; be objective by going against their employer’s known pro-F-35 agenda. I was warned last night by the V.P ‘not’ to take a a stance against the F-35 when I spoke to media on camera.
~Board members with any conflict of interest issues should immediately recuse themselves.~
*We’re in the F-35 battle due to the fact that we lack a level political playing field.
Uniting behind a Class Action Lawsuit strategy is a defensive strategy option that our community has to prevent the F-35s, or recover our financial losses if they proceed.
We have the constitutional right to force our public servants to behave or fire those who betray us. We can petition our government for redress of grievances according to the constitution.
Chuck Thomas
Board member, South Cole Neighborhood Assn.
Mar 31, 2017, 5:39 pm
I am a patriot. I love America. I am very supportive of national security. However, I am not supportive of the massive wasteful corporate welfare programs which are currently under the national security umbrella. I am not supportive of a military which already has huge expanses of empty land, but claims the need to make noise over my urban house.
As for organizing opposition: When push comes to shove, most of the people at the meeting only puff up long enough to safely run away. I’ll bet $5 that most of the people in that room voted for Team Dave every election. I bet for the most part they love Team Dave. Most of the people in that room will hush if Team Dave tells them to. Many will vote for Team Dave again.
How to have an impact? How to win: Identify your hardcore, organized, intelligent, well informed resistance members. Build a cohesive group of these people who have the will to face the enemy and win. It only takes a few. Just a few is actually better because they are potent and focused. These are your leaders. These people will cause change. Do not do anything unethical or illegal. Do not do anything that plays badly on the TV-news. Expect to be infiltrated. Expect to be pressured at work and at play. Get a lawyer with experience in activism.
Also bring in the large local environmental groups who already masterfully fight this same group of government and corporate officials on growth and pollution issues. Use their experience and power to unravel the Team Dave support with the voting public. If you cause Team Dave a job security problem with low information voters, you win. Team Dave is wrong and dirty and arrogant just like Team Hillary was, thus he does have weaknesses to exploit.
FYI Darwin: The military Guard units across the country are an avenue for the military to retain its best people. It makes our military a much improved version of the weakness which was the post Vietnam era. Some National Guard units during the Cold War even had nukes in their inventory. It is also common for Reserve units to have the very latest and most secretive missions such as the B-2. Guard and Reserve units often beat out regular military units in contests and readiness evaluations.
Mar 31, 2017, 8:53 pm
Chuck Tom,
1) Are you one of the local Tea Party leadership guys, or is it just a similar name. Careful with the crazy anti-government constitutionalist bullcrap, because that turns average people off instantly. A lot of people in mental health holds are muttering that nonsensical crap. Right or wrong, death and taxes are the only sure things in America. Use the process in place to control the taxes. Talk to God about death.
2) Leadership of the Boise Neighborhood Associations indeed should not use the association as a personal platform. As leadership they are supposed to take a consensus of the geographic area they represent and present that consensus position onto the city leadership on various issues. It is not suppose to be their personal political vehicle to amplify their personal points of view. So if you find this particular neighborhood association is being led improperly, you should not hesitate to have it rejected as an official representative group with the City of Boise. When last I checked the membership of that particular association is about six people, but the city will let them represent 20,000 at hearings.
FYI to all: These are not your HOAs, but they use a similar name to cause confusion and anemic participation. These are the officially recognized Boise Neighbor Associations. They tend to be of the City by the City and for the City. Be careful your association leadership is not misrepresenting you if you fall within their boundary. They are a political invention so City leaders don’t have to listen to individual people, yet can pretend they have considered all public input. Friends of the City tend to lead them. Politics 101 says to insist on the formation of a committee to represent the community. It is a delay and distract tactic. It worked really well for the Jefferson Street land grab (all those devout lefties thought the Mayor was hearing them… LOL).
Apr 1, 2017, 4:27 pm
I think it is a good plan to utilize the voices of neighborhood associations to present the concerns of the property owners. They represent a lot of votes.
Their representation is not legal, is it grass roots. Individuals should not however, just sit on the sidelines.
Any journey requires a first step, or a cold beer and a first step.
Apr 22, 2017, 9:33 pm
Kathleen Lacey is asking neighborhood associations NOT to take any stance until AFTER the Air Force has made its decision. By then, it’s TOO LATE!!!
Neighborhood associations need to take a stand BEFORE the Air Force has made its decision.