
A Ford On The Lincoln (highway)

Toy train collector, car buff, scuba diver, and former Boise attorney Bill vonTagen has a retirement bucket list and his first entry requires a BIG bucket. Bill and wife Linda were embarking on a drive in his 1959 Ford Ranchero from San Francisco to New York City. He will be sending frequent reports to the GUARDIAN on his journey which will follow the tracks of the Southern Pacific Railroad, Union Pacific, Oregon trail, Pony Express, Interstate 80, U.S. 30 and other historic routes across the entire USA. Collectively the route is the “Lincoln Highway,” America’s first transcontinental auto route.

On the left side of this photo, the 1914 underpass can be seen. On the right is
the original crossing which used the Dutch Flat-Donner Lake Wagon Road
and made a dangerous crossing through the timber snow sheds.

Even before he could head east, von Tagen had car trouble and ended up replacing the ancient Ranchero with a 2006 Mustang–still a Ford, but not the original honeymoon vehicle. You can get some background on Bill and his plans at his blog,
A FORD ON THE LINCOLN. Be forewarned he is a lawyer, so the attention to detail is interesting and l o n g.

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