City Government

F-35 Meeting Draws Over 200

Packed house of more than 200 at Boise Public Library ;earns about F-35

With more than 200 residents attending a Tuesday meeting, it’s fair to say opposition to the F-35 being based at Gowen Field is growing.

Empty seats for government invited officials.

Citizens packed the public meeting room at the Main Library to hear speakers discuss the ramifications of basing the F-35 at Gowen Field. Although invited by the sponsoring, “Citizens For A Livable Boise” group, no one from the city of Boise or the Idaho Air National Guard attended.

There wasn’t really a lot of new information, but a show of hands revealed those attending came from throughout the city and not just the neighborhoods near the airport. Many logical questions best answered by the Air Guard or Boise officials were asked, but no representatives attended. Noise, air pollution, economics and housing, and the political campaign to attract the aircraft were all discussed.

For those wishing to catch up on GUARDIAN POSTS, we suggest clicking on the F-35 link. There are plenty of posts to choose from and we welcome comments from all sides of the issue.

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  1. Thanks Dave : – ))

  2. This was the first meeting I’ve attended about this issue. Citizens for Livable Boise and the panelists did a great job presenting information and answering questions. I’m convinced the overall costs and detriments of this mission will outweigh the benefits and the keyboard will be clacking today as I let all of my representatives in Boise and Washington D.C. know it.

  3. Bieter Begone
    Jun 28, 2017, 11:03 am

    I’ve said it before. If you want to change City Hall’s mind on this issue or any other, you have to change City Hall.

    Two seats are up for election that are vacant. That’s two chances for new people for sure. Do you want those people to be Bieter minions like the others? If not, then run.

    And TJ Thompson is running again I assume. Put someone up against him. Run a real campaign for each of these seats.

    It’s not like there are no issues. The F35 and the compost program are two that are shoved down our throats. They raise taxes to the max every year. It’s not rocket science. It just takes some people who will put themselves out there.

  4. More and more people are getting outraged over how they are being treated by Boise “leaders”, and what the City officials are inflicting on this town. The F-35s are at the top of the List — despite ALL the ad dollars being thrown at the Statesman and other media promoting the F-35s – it almost seems the more they spend hyping this Noise Monster, the more people see through it.

    I was struck by how after the meeting, people were wondering why, why, why are Bieter and his puppet Council so strongly pursuing this.

  5. Please sign the petition against the F-35s. After signing this, please make sure you send this petition to every person you know in Idaho (especially the Treasure Valley). The petition counts are growing!
    Great presentation lastnight, from all of the diverse experts(economist, engineer, speech pathologist, biologist,etc). Thank you Dave!
    P.S. I think my dad(retired LTC, army) mentioned you years ago, when he worked at Gowen. If it’s you, you were one of his favorites.’s-right-for-boise’s-future-livability/

  6. Oligarchs Rule
    Jun 28, 2017, 5:24 pm

    No golden shovel, no award = no Dave Bieter or appointed minions.
    Boise is run by corporate enslaved tyrants.

  7. Kristin Young
    Jun 28, 2017, 7:08 pm

    Time and time again the Mayor and City officials hide their heads when their asked to show up and defend their reasoning for implementing projects that will be a detriment to our city. Sell outs are what they are. Shame on you Dave Beiter and friends. The citizen’s are on to you.

  8. … and if Bieter runs again he will be re-elected.

  9. The reason Boise City is not meeting with F-35 opposition, is because they try to act out their own notion that such opposition does not exist.
    If they met, there would be press coverage, and the word will get out that community support for F-35 at Gowen Field is not as solid as for other competing sites.

  10. The Stalesman
    Jun 30, 2017, 11:11 pm

    This is very interesting. I wonder if the Idaho Stalesman covered this meeting? 200 and a panel of experts. Bieter probably told them not to.

    I see Stalesman is going to change up their reporting a bit. I read the whole thing but can’t find the part where it says they’ll stop protecting and promoting City Hall.

    Just rearranging the deck chairs?

  11. Sheldon of Idaho
    Jul 1, 2017, 9:55 pm

    What’s really crazy is that the Humane Society is about to break ground on their new facility, right near WalMart–and right under the flight path for the airport. Just wait until those dogs and cats, already stressed out from being at the shelter, start hearing F-35’s overhead. And they can’t even press their hands over their ears to block any of the sound!
