City Government

No Plans For Lifeguards At Quinn’s Pond

In the previous post we advocated lifeguards at Quinn’s Pond following the tragic death of a 15-year-old refugee boy who had lived in Boise only 9 days.

The community donated $14,000 for his funeral and there has been some talk about swimming lessons and better parenting, but no increased safety measures are being contemplated.

We got this response from Parks Director Doug Holloway when we offered the idea of lifeguards during the remaining hot days of summer when the ponds are busiest:

“We have not considered, nor have we discussed considering providing lifeguards at Quinn’s or Esther Simplot Ponds. All three ponds clearly caution swimming at your own risk.”

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  1. No monetary resources available for a few lifeguards at Quinns Pond in the name of public safety, but plenty of millions guaranteed for a new sports stadium to benefit out-of-town multimillionaires?

    Something’s wrong here.

  2. If you are a lifeguard you must possess all current lifeguard, CPR and first aid certifications. If not you are setting yourself up for a lawsuit. The city is very picky about the life guards they have at the public pools. Most are high school kids that have met the requirements. Many give swim lessons early in the day. I would NEVER be a lifeguard in the public pools…. with the YMCA and other programs dropping off 100s of kids that are as wild as March hares…..even though I have all of the certifications.

    I think the Guardians idea of having some volunteers in kayaks on weekend and hot days is a good idea. Most of the kids that I have seen are around certain areas.

    Boise City police use volunteers on golf carts all along the bike path. Why not have some in the ponds? boise is great about getting volunteers.

    Most people don’t understand how cold the water is and the visibility is about 0. If you go down it is almost too late to save you. I can only see the bottom when I get about 5 feet from the shore.

  3. Bieter Begone
    Jul 24, 2017, 2:45 pm

    What part of Swim at your Own risk is not understood? Particularly if you can’t swim, why would you go swimming.

    EDITOR NOTE–Not sure the refugee kid from the Congo could even read English. Your sympathy and concern is duly noted.

  4. Life Guards vs. Settlement costs
    Jul 25, 2017, 12:19 am

    Bieter Begone makes a good point. The signs need to be in all 57 languages spoken by swimmers at the public park.

    How many million will the family settle the civil suits for? Any speculation?

    I still think a Disney Cruise ship would fit perfectly in that pond.

    I lived on a lake and got to school in a boat. I could swim like a fish about the same time I could walk. Too bad Boise School District has eliminated PE classes in favor of gay recruitment classes.

  5. The popularity of this place will probably be overwhelming to those attending and to those forced to maintain the park. I see this evolving into a pay to play area over time due to use. With pay to play makes sense to have life guards around. Of course, use will probably decline as the Boise River opens. Time will tell…

  6. Bieter Begone, okay you and the city think you are correct. So why the hell are lifeguards at the swimming pools!

    SWIMMING pools?
    WHY the _ would you go to a swimming pool if you can’t swim? Therefore no lifeguards are necessary according to Bieter Begone and apparently the city.

    Safety at the concrete pools (actually safer due the sloping bottom and clearity) but not at the dirt pool— Sounds like negligence to me, your Honor.

    Reading about this story and see Porcupines reference of triathletes swimming in Quinns led to me to plenty of articles about adult triathletes drowning (yes, DROWNING), during the events (yes during an event).
    Gee, BB, why would an adult enter a triathlon and then drown? So of course they don’t need safety

    Where there is a large gathering of people there ought to be immediate safety measures- that is why we have paramedics at large sports events, we have police attend large rallies, we have fire trucks on standby at the fireworks shows, and the list goes on.

    If the city’s attitude remains swim at your risk then ALL the park ponds should be open to swimming (at your own risk) instead of their lame-ass policy of “No Swimming or Wading”.

    Another failure by local government.

  7. While their at it, might as well host a resident engineer to continually test the waters for ecoli and fecal matter.

  8. Interesting Easterner talked about triathlon accidents.. In 2012 Dr. Sells from Boise died right in front of me during his Tri swim in Black Canyon. They were on him in seconds and got him out of the water but couldn’t save him. They had 24 kayaks, 12 lifeguards and four power boats in the water at the time.

    Can’t tell you how many accidents I have seen doing Tri’s and marathons. Emergency crews saved a mans life in a marathon last year I did. Most races are very prepared for a accident. I think if the city is going to let people swim in those ponds they should at least have some emergency equipment and people durning the summer months of heavy use.


  9. My Two Cents
    Jul 26, 2017, 2:16 pm

    To Lifeguards versus Settlement Costs, your notion that PE classes would have taught swimming is misguided. No PE class I have ever seen included swimming. Swimming was always something you privately taught your kids. At least where I grew up and also here in Boise where I raised my kid. And your comment about “gay recruitment classes” is ignorant and offensive. With such statements you detract from, and delegitimize, any reasonable argument you might otherwise be making.

  10. Has there been any follow-up on life guards?

    EDITOR NOTE–Nothing further, seems there is no interest or discussion on the suggestion.

  11. Kudos to Boise Fire Chief Doan, Boise Parks, St Luke’s, and Idaho River Sports for putting together more pfds at the pond and for the give away yesterday!

    Chief had some great comments at the event, as well:
    “We make sure every kid has a bicycle helmet, but we forgot about a kid swimming”.

    Free lessons program and pfds.
    A great step toward preventing needless drownings.

