
GBAD To Hear First Comments On Stadium

While Boise Mayor Dave Bieter has been promoting his pet downtown stadium project to any group that will listen, he has factored in a $5 million payment from the Greater Boise Auditorium District, but the District has never discussed it or been presented a formal proposal.

Concerned Boise Taxpayers, the group organized to oppose the stadium plan, is hosting a visit this week from Sean Garretson, a certified planner with a firm in Austin, Texas. They will be at the Thursday GBAD board meeting at the convention center.

Garretson is visiting Boise to examine the details of the proposed stadium project and provide an independent perspective apart from the city-funded studies and proposals you have seen to date.  Little doubt in the GUARDIAN’s mind the results will not be the same as those purchased by the city of Boise.

In a KIVI-6 newscast Tuesday, city officials claimed more than 70% of people responding to the public forum sales pitches on the stadium were in favor. We visited one of those sessions and had a report from a second one. We concluded there is strong opposition to the ball park, despite claims of “disinformation” from Team Dave.

Of particular concern to the GUARDIAN is the plan on the part of Bieter and his Team Dave to eliminate a scheduled tax break property owners have awaited for 30 years and usurp the funds for his stadium project.

Zions Bank building in downtown Boise, yields tax revenues based on a value of about $350,000–less than most foothills homes.

The Central District urban renewal project–the oldest urban renewal area in downtown–diverts nearly $5 million in taxes each year away from the city, county, highway district, and schools. Property owners throughout the city and to a lesser extent the county, end up paying a little more on their bill to cover the cost of police, fire, etc. in the Boise core. That district and the diversion of taxes will expire in 2017.

When that tax is no longer diverted, citizens are scheduled to have that money go to the various taxing units, theoretically creating a tax break. However, crafty politicos at Boise City Hall claim there will be “no new taxes” for the stadium. Of course not. No need for new taxes when 30 years of sacrifice and a promised “payback” are snagged for a stadium aimed at subsidizing a real estate developer.

The conservative Idaho Freedom Foundation summed up its position on Boise also earmarking the GBAD hotel room tax for the stadium thusly: “(GBADs) statutory responsibility is to use this revenue “to build, operate, maintain, market and manage” public projects such as auditoriums, convention centers and sports arenas. GBAD has a legal responsibility to meet all five criteria with its projects, not just one.

Since 1987 CCDC has been recipient of $55.8 million in taxes diverted primarily from the city, schools, Ada County, and ACHD.

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  1. Tom Lorentz
    Oct 25, 2017, 9:36 pm

    Time for a new mayor. I’m getting tired of street cars etc being shoved down our throats.

    No on the stadium.

  2. Behind the Scenes
    Oct 25, 2017, 10:05 pm

    Even though the Auditorium District as not formally discussed it or there has not been any formal presentation the developer has hired the law firm of Spink Butler to have discussions behind the scenes.

    This is one of those situations like the process Washington DC has used to create the Russia connection with Trump. Do EVERYTHING behind the scenes and then do the deal out of the sight of the public.

    We have a local government that operates just like Washington – they DO NOT want the stupid, know nothing voters to have anything to do with messing up their game.

    Until the Mayor and his cronies are replaced this process WILL NOT CHANGE!

  3. Survey was fixed
    Oct 25, 2017, 10:10 pm

    The survey you site was manipulated.
    The city had individuals and groups that it has access to send in positive results.

    You need to look at the actual written inputs that they refer to and you will notice they come from all those that support the mayor and council.

  4. Bieter Begone
    Oct 26, 2017, 7:15 am

    Does anyone honestly think the GBAD, chock full of Bieter cronies, is going to say no? If you do think they are independent, then I have a bridge I can sell you, cheap.

  5. We will probably end up having the stadium shoved up our rears!
    Oct 26, 2017, 7:29 am

    Just look at the upcoming council election. Most of the candidates and especially those likely to win are Davey’s lap dogs.

  6. The tax situation with the Zions Bank building is an outrage. One thing I find remarkable with the current City Council is their zombie-like votes and public statements, and their deference to Bieter. Their job is in part to scrutinize what the Mayor does. They are not supposed to be lap dogs, spoon fed talking points that they then faithfully recite. One thing really remarkable is that incumbent TJ Thompson now running for reelection in Council Seat 4 is an Auditor at Idaho Power by profession. Yet somehow we had the giant Boise City Foothills levy tax screw up. (I do wonder what the real story is behind that). But anyway, that screw up sure undercuts TJs “Vote for Someone with Experience” argument.

  7. Hey, everyone.

    Just wanted to reach out again and let folks know I am running for the Boise City Council in the upcoming election.

    I am 100% against issues like the trolley and stadium and believe in voter’s rights. I also think one of the greatest facts about my campaign is that I am NOT endorsed by the Mayor, current council, or any of the other establishment politician in the Valley. Hope to earn your vote this November! Excited to bring change and perspective to the future council.

  8. Will be interesting to see how this develops now that BSU is going its own way!

  9. If as the city says, 70% of citizens support the stadium, they should be anxious to put the issue to a vote!

  10. What is really confusing is the vast number of people binging up the option of improving the stadium at the original site or utilizing the race track/fairgrounds land. And there is no response whatsoever. Not even from ada county, which is the entity that owns the land.
