CCDC Pot Of Gold To Stay “Protected.”


Here’s a dirty little secret when it comes to gaining access to the CCDC urban renewal pot of gold (bonding authority).

Members are appointed by the mayor of the “governing body” (usually a city). Once appointed, the board is “an independent body, corporate and politic.” Which means they are not part of city government and not subject to city decisions for the most part. The GUARDIAN also found they are not subject to the Idaho Constitution’s mandate to allow citizen’s to approve debt, despite the fact the agency is funded by public taxes diverted from schools, cities, counties, and other taxing districts.

Furthermore, membership cannot comprise a majority of city councilors. Since they are not part of city government, members are “wearing another hat.” For instance, the Ada County Commishes act in a similar fashion with the county ambulance system (Ada Emergency Medical Services). The commishes form the board, but the EMS district is not a county agency. Rather, it was created by a vote as a county wide EMS district.

Back to CCDC urban renewal. Mayor Dave Bieter appointed Councilors Maryanne Jordan, Ben Quintana, and Scot Ludwig to the 9 member board. In a move worthy of an adept puppet master, Bieter also appointed himself and Ryan Woodings whose wife, Holli Woodings, was recently elected to the city council.

Even though Quintana and Jordan are leaving the council, their terms on CCDC are still active and word is they will continue to serve. That means Bieter will in theory retain control of the CCDC board, fill any vacancies with friendly councilors and still stay below the legal majority threshold. Officially, Ludwig will be the only councilor on the CCDC board after January.

When Councilor Dave Eberle moved to Garden City several years ago and resigned from the council, he still made decisions affecting Boise.

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  1. Not limited to this group
    Nov 24, 2017, 9:30 pm

    Seems to be unconstitutional? Too bad the legislature and courts are also just as corrupt.

    It’s simply about them vs us, we earn and they spend our earnings. If we refuse to pay they show up with guns and force us to pay. The only way out is to not earn anything.

  2. Crony craziness. Is it City code that determines what the composition of CCDC can be?

    EDITOR NOTE–State code allows council to act as URA board, but if not, they cannot form a majority of membership. Original intent was to create an agency to accept Fed money from HUD (housing and URBAN DEVELOPMENT). Having the agency be apart from city kept funds from going to city services or otherwise being co-mingled. Idaho legislature refuses to properly address the issues as URA law is abused more each year state wide.

  3. Research when state code was created or changed regarding urban renewal agency membership. I’ll bet you a Trolley ride that City of Boise or one of its lobbyists (Association of Idaho Cities?) was involved.
    –A Capitol Dweller

    EDITOR NOTE–No need for research. Only small concessions came after lengthy interim committee meetings with URA reformers asking for things like vote to elect members, no new DISTRICTS (rather than new AGENCIES) without vote of people, government oversight, and other issues. Establishment doesn’t want oversight or control from those whose taxes are diverted.

  4. Is there something that outlines the legal and proper uses of this urban renewal money? Let’s look at the original source documents.
