Hate to admit it, but we have run out of topics to discuss.
Now is your chance to offer up some opinions and topics of discussion….don’t just give us work to do, give us the facts in your own words.
Legislature is in town, but generating little interest. We have new councilors in the city and the biggest sporting news seems to be a call for cheerleaders for a possible indoor football team in Nampa.
Perhaps the cheerleaders should be men in skimpy costumes doing high kicks….
WESTERN GUY leads the pack with the following items.
City of Boise is advertising for a new full-size bus. Why not lease/rent from school district or Valley Ride?
How about if city/CCDC published on one easy to fine website a summary of parking opportunities in Downtown: lots/garages/street, and prices? And a link from City to Valley Ride website to make it easier for bus riders or potential bus riders. Who knows to look up ‘Valley Ride’?
When summer comes, Downtown sidewalks will again be overrun with outside seating, restricting pedestrian access. When will this end?
Are the “way finding signs” ever going to be installed? GUARDIAN has been on this for about 10 years and so far no sign of directional messages for tourists.
Guardian needs people to monitor CCDC and City Council and Auditorium Board meetings. Take notes (see my prior comment on this matter).
Why does ACHD pay for the info Q and A in Sunday Statesman when there are hundreds of ACHD employees who drive to work every day, drive home, and drive vehicles all day long when working? Dont’ these employees notice problems with traffic flow, lights, lane markings, signs, etc? Citizens shouldn’t have to bring these issues to ACHD’s attention when there are all these employees going back and forth and back and forth.
Jan 31, 2018, 9:16 am
No news is good news.
Jan 31, 2018, 11:21 am
I appreciate the good news Mr. Editor, and believe me, no topics to discuss is good news.
The legislature is doing nothing of note, which is outstanding news. The worst thing we ever did was start calling them “law makers.” They think it is their job to convene and make laws, whether we need laws or not.
I watched legislative updates on the news while eating lunch yesterday. What was being proposed didn’t even deserve discussion, especially a new law.
I would favor a limit – each party gets to introduce 5 new laws and 5 (corrections to) errors or omissions as needed each session. Set the budget, and go home. Well done.
Jan 31, 2018, 12:40 pm
I would be glad and grateful for any information about the roadwork on State Street west of 26th Street.
Also, we could have an informal poll here at the Guardian about whether to rename State Street as the Mayor Bieter Expressway.
After all, it seems the mayor is all for radically increasing traffic going back and forth between subdivision sprawl on the edges of town and development projects in the downtown. Bigger is Bieter, and moderation is for losers. (I hope I’m wrong.)
Sadly, it seems the unique local character of Boise is about to become disfigured into a bloated and bland version of Everywhere Else, USA.
Jan 31, 2018, 1:12 pm
City of Boise is advertising for a new full-size bus. Why not lease/rent from school district or Valley Ride?
How about if city/CCDC published on one easy to fine website a summary of parking opportunities in Downtown: lots/garages/street, and prices? And a link from City to Valley Ride website to make it easier for bus riders or potential bus riders. Who knows to look up ‘Valley Ride’?
When summer comes, Downtown sidewalks will again be overrun with outside seating, restricting pedistrian access. When will this end?
Guardian needs people to monitor CCDC and City Council and Auditorium Board meetings. Take notes (see my prior comment on this matter).
Why does ACHD pay for the info Q and A in Sunday Statesman when there are hundreds of ACHD employees who drive to work every day, drive home, and drive vehicles all day long when working? Dont’ these employees notice problems with traffic flow, lights, lane markings, signs, etc? Citizens shouldn’t have to bring these issues to ACHD’s attention when there are all these employees going back and forth and back and forth.
Enough topics for now. Others need to add on…
Jan 31, 2018, 2:16 pm
AS we continue to see the homeless population increase in the Capital City perhaps I am the only one wondering why affordable housing is being torn down and not replaced.
While it would be nice to put this all on the Mayor, it’s not all on his sloping shoulders. I believe with the prices going up and social security not keeping up with the cost of living we just may be seeing more silver haired homeless limping the streets of our city.
I realize that is not breaking the law. But it also appears that zipping down neighborhood streets at 45mph isn’t either.
Jan 31, 2018, 2:26 pm
Idaho City maybe getting cell phone service. The tower is up and the lights are on but no service as of yet. That is the big news from the sisters of the poor neighborhood. Idaho City is jumping into the 20th century.
Jan 31, 2018, 9:14 pm
Cost of living in Idaho is comparable to that of other states, yet we get paid significantly lower than most other states.
The mining industry in Idaho has significant issues. Clean up of waterways is slow, and meeting resistance. Our fish (for one) are seeing a higher concentration of heavy metals in them due to bioaccumulation.
Boise traffic systems are some of the worst in the nation. Timing, and the Poisons distribution methods that they use are flawed.
Canyon County has some of the worst people in the state working in the Judicial system. Many people currently suffering due to Canyon County decisions deserve to have their cases thrown out due to malfeasance. (ie. John Bujak).
Dave B. and his team of idiots are making Downtown a terrible place to be. Also, the growth pattern of the valley is not sustainable. Numerous models and studies have been done and the data shows that urban sprawl (like we have) is one of the worst development plans imaginable. It aids to the pollution (yearly inversions) and chokes the urban center due to long travel times to and from work vs. where to buy goods and food.
Feb 1, 2018, 6:33 am
And another park beats out Murgoitio. 20 years and counting.
Feb 1, 2018, 8:22 am
Stories about long term decline or improvements. I’m not sure about improvements, but there is plenty of long term decline – big businesses all but gone from Boise, lack of smooth arterial traffic flow, lack of affordable education and housing, slow and expensive internet (internet is just as important as electricity in our modern world), how the lack of traffic safety enforcement has lead to doubling of fatalities (would like to see other stats), etc.
A “538 of Boise” would be interesting.
Feb 1, 2018, 2:12 pm
Here’s your website: https://www.parkboi.com/
THIS “link” as you desire came from the Boise City site.
Way finding signs are all over- as signs for bicyclists. Tourists- use a bike. A waste of money. Want a finding sign? Look at your phone before you start driving, or buy a MAP.
Feb 1, 2018, 2:58 pm
Erico49, neither the site for Murgoitio or the surrounding neighborhoods are part of Boise – doesn’t make any sense to me to build a park before the neighborhoods are annexed into Boise
Feb 1, 2018, 8:57 pm
Stressing that such an action would be highly reckless, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned Thursday that releasing the “Nunes Memo” could potentially undermine faith in the massive, unaccountable government secret agencies of the United States.
“Making this memo public will almost certainly impede our ability to conduct clandestine activities operating outside any legal or judicial system on an international scale,” said Wray, noting that it was essential that mutual trust exist between the American people and the vast, mysterious cabal given free rein to use any tactics necessary to conduct surveillance on U.S. citizens or subvert religious and political groups.
“If we take away the people’s faith in this shadowy monolith exempt from any consequences, all that’s left is an extensive network of rogue, unelected intelligence officers carrying out extrajudicial missions for a variety of subjective, and occasionally personal, reasons.”
At press time, Wray confirmed the massive, unaccountable government secret agencies were unaware of any wrongdoing for violating constitutional rights.
The Onion
Feb 1, 2018, 9:47 pm
I’m not sure what you mean by lack of affordable education. K-12 education is pretty much free, and we have BSU and several other state school operations in Boise. These schools are subsidized by taxpayers and are affordable to pretty much anyone who wants to work and go to school part-time, or use their GI Bill and work and go to school part-time. That’s what many of us did and graduated with no debt.
Your comment on affordable housing is even more confusing. All housing is affordable to those with sufficient income to rent or purchase it, and equally unaffordable to those who cannot. It’s not like it is someone’s responsibility to artificially make a house affordable for you.
Feb 2, 2018, 4:12 pm
I would like to read a solid economic analysis of what drives population growth in Boise, Ada County, and Idaho.
For example, baby boomer peak retirement years (now) coupled with SS benefit not being taxed in Idaho, moderate climate, low? cost of living (South of the US is much cheaper than the West Coast), jobs growth (highest % of min wage jobs in Idaho is the growth driver?), new home building being subsidized by the taxpayers in Ada County (i.e. paying for roads and schools), publicity (being in top 10 list forever), top Idaho politicians being real estate investors (e.g. Sen. Risch), how easy it is to start a business in Idaho etc. Or maybe it is Idaho’s schools (ranked 48th or smth like that)? Just being ironic now.
I do not think saying Idaho is a pretty place explains being #1 for the population growth. There are many other pretty places in the USA.
Feb 2, 2018, 6:38 pm
Ball Park
Based on the growth in the treasure valley one will be built sooner than later. We have a lot of new residents leaving them behind. My concern is that there have only been two locations brought up! Both in the downtown area of Boise. All elected locals should have a say yet I haven’t heard an Ada County, Meridian or Nampa elected local discuss the project?! Why?
A developer from Atlanta doesn’t care if he develops a ball park in the CCDC downtown core or the Ten mile and Franklin area in Meridian!
If you want proof ask an local developer!
Downtown Streetcar
Ada County residents are spending over $7 mil for the 36/State Street intersection do over.
I’m guessing 1200 new apartment units on State Street in the last 5 years or so. Then Boise elected locals in December of 2017 put another $3.3mil via the City and CCDC for continuing planing or studying for the downtown streetcar. I believe PLEASE CHECK ME this will put the planing and studying costs so far at around $5mil. To take pedestrians from St Lukes to Boise State to Linen District areas. How much money has been spent to study a western route from downtown.? The amount of traffic is an indicator that time and money should be directed to developing the existing bus service in and out of the city as opposed to moving pedestrians in the downtown core.
Just because something is legal doesn’t make it RIGHT
Isn’t the CCDC just an extra layer of government? With the seemingly, unstoppable, growth we’re experiencing do Boiseans need the CCDC? All projects go through planing and zoning and council members have the last say on development in the end! So do we have to have the extra LAYER? Sometimes the actions by our elected locals concerns me as to WHO they are working for?
Feb 3, 2018, 6:52 am
Jason. You are correct. It was a pretty slick move on Boise’s part. Use the purchase of the proposed park to help garner support from the big annexation to Victory Road, but not develop because it’s out of the City limits. And then they will get to use it again when they annex past Victory (and then likely let it sit on the back burner for another 20 years.
Feb 4, 2018, 7:22 am
With the evidence now clear that our illustrious FBI and other deep state players were indeed pulling for the Clintons, I’m now convinced that none of these people can be trusted with important information. This caused the mind to wander to all of the other information being collected by people with no training, no rules, no badge, and perhaps no scruples. Wonder how many power company employees can look at my electrical usage. Does the lineman next door know when I take a shower based on when my water heater turns on? He is kind of nosy. How about neighbor woman who works at the membership retail store? Can she see what I buy by browsing the computers? Lots of wine but don’t want anyone at my church to know it. Can she see medications too? This sort of privacy thing was a huge problem with medical records in hospitals until privacy laws and computer software stopped it. No such laws covering all the other ways people can spy. See something say something has caused some of these people to become much nosier than ever before. Yes, there has got to be a newsworthy story in there somewhere. Hoping the retailers and utilities will come forth with strict privacy efforts as a marketing advantage over their open books competitors.
EDITOR NOTE– just remember EVERYONE has a power connection (and bill) so their records are a treasure trove for Brother.
Feb 4, 2018, 9:03 am
Jason’s comment from Feb 1 regarding the proposed park area in SE Boise not being in city limits got me curious. I found this map at https://www.maptechnica.com/city-map/Boise+City/ID/1608830. What got my attention is it appears the Golden Dawn Estates manufactured housing area is an island unto its self. Why has it not been annexed into the city? Same goes for the Shakespeare area. Do these area receive services from Boise city police and fire departments?
BTW based on an article from the local daily the wheels are in motion to annex the area for the park. Another few acres for city residents to cover upkeep and maintenance costs. All the more reasons to let the Golden Dawn folks become city residents.
Feb 4, 2018, 9:52 am
Average Female, regarding your hope for retailers and utilities I would recommend using cash for purchases and switch to a gas water heater!
Feb 5, 2018, 7:05 am
Frank, do not assume you know better. Do not assume you have the whole picture. It’s a damn valid privacy concern. So valid the companies holding all this info lobby against privacy laws. They let pretty much anyone look at it for a fee. This in addition to the Boise is small town problem of having people who know you looking through it.
Can’t safely carry that much cash around. Cash is also an accounting mess and an employee theft problem. If you have more than a few hundred with you during a traffic stop the cops steal it for their own use (asset forfeiture)
Read it again Frank. MEMBERSHIP retailer. This includes many possibilities. Could also add in here all the social media tracking and so on and so forth.
Feb 6, 2018, 12:35 pm
What ever happened to the landslide debacle at Terra Nativa? Lawsuits against ACHD, City Building Dept, mortgage companies?
Inquiring minds…
Feb 7, 2018, 9:10 am
Why are there 3 (yes, three) gas\convenience stores at the corner of cole and victory?
Feb 7, 2018, 4:01 pm
Why oh why does the super large cement mixer driving past make less noise and less smoke than the diesel pickup guy with the tiny manhood?
Why oh why does our Federal, State, County, and City leadership look the other way? Do all of them have tiny manhood too?
So so very very tired of the disrupting noise and choking smoke from these otherwise useless diesel passenger vehicles.
Feb 8, 2018, 10:01 am
ppsel, I’m not sure that map is up-to-date. The Golden Dawn Estates appear to be annexed into Boise, based on their property tax assessment (a property I picked at random in there is paying the “Boise City” tax levy).
I don’t know a lot about municipal annexation, other than it’s a complicated and controversial process for older neighborhoods, and is influenced by things like water/sewer connections and development standards.
If I were Boise City, I’d be concerned about too much municipal annexation. If being in the city means you’re entitled to sewer/water, parks, police, and fire services, each neighborhood is another tax burden. Yes, newly annexed places provide an immediate boost in tax revenue, but I don’t believe Boise (or any city) does accurate forecasting of long-term revenue needs.
Feb 12, 2018, 7:52 am
Jason: you are correct re: Golden Dawn being in city limits. Here is an “offical” map [ http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=1155fc38e566465ba9c5085d4d29bdb9 ] served up by https://gis.cityofboise.org/.
Feb 21, 2018, 11:05 am
HUGE HUGE outside liberal money pouring into Idaho’s small potatoes elections. Why?
Mar 1, 2018, 7:27 am
Ada County posted its year-in-review. Funny how there is no mention of the commissioners multi-million dollar lawsuit or the Treasure forgetting to collect tax dollars for a levy.
Mar 1, 2018, 9:40 am
More than one person is using the name ‘Story Idea’
Mar 1, 2018, 2:57 pm
Will the real Story Teller please stand up?
Mar 23, 2018, 5:42 pm
Mayor! Getting really tired of these low IQ small penis losers being dangerous reckless with the diesel trucks.
Big puff of smoke means illegal emissions.
Noise is as bad as Hardly Dingelson.
Showing off @70 in 35 is common.
The modified trucks have terrible stopping/maneuvering performance.
Do something about this please. They are really easy DUIs because of the multiple reasons to make traffic stop.