Boise Faces Urban Renewal Challenge

Boise City and the urbanrenewal agency are facing a lawsuit over the practice of subverting the Idaho Constitution’s requirement to seek citizen approval of debt exceeding a single year revenue.

The IDAHO PRESS posted a story with the details.

Two new urban renewal districts were created in December which divert taxes on improvements and appreciated value for 20 years. Generally that means property outside the district pays for services within the districts.

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  1. western guy
    Jan 19, 2019, 9:47 am

    Is Mikey Journee the only employee of the City of Boise who is allowed to speak to news media? How about department heads? City Council members. (god forbid) Da Mayor?

    This approach is not a ‘strategy’, it’s a smokescreen.

  2. The lawsuit is right on. All the renewal districts are for is to give the City of Boise a way around the taxpayers and build up a slush fund they can spend however they like and then raise taxes because the tax revenue is diverted.

    The legislature should move to abolish urban renewal districts all together.

  3. I am surprised that the Mayor has not declared the entire City of Boise a renewal zone so he can make the CCDC even more of a pot of money he can play with.

  4. John Paul Jones
    Jan 19, 2019, 6:15 pm

    Those crooks at c.c.d c. want to control the whole city. Nothing like taxpayer funds . I have always said, save our public sidewalks, no C.C.D.C.

  5. E.B. Schofield
    Jan 19, 2019, 8:02 pm

    * $120 million debt for 2 new Urban Renewal Districts (URD)
    – Shoreline URD, downtown Boise
    – Gateway URD, by airport
    * $163 million after 20 year payoff schedule

    Details obtained from the court filing – available to view on the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s website. This ongoing method of incuring debt is being questioned. Maybe because the whole thing stinks a bit – I know a few of us out here find it humorous to refer to “The Urban Renewal District” as a TURD.

  6. Western Guy.. why do you think they hire flaks? It’s the full employment act for tv “reporters”

  7. I fail to see where the IFF lawsuit is timely or has standing in the issue. The presumed ‘debt’ has not occurred yet and the IFF is not being negatively affected by the arrangement. We’ll see how that turns out.
    Who are the ‘other parties’?

  8. Developers of several large new buildings downtown got big “reimbursement” checks from CCDC for Streetscapes (sidewalks benches and art.

    I wonder if Councilman Ludwig will get a CCDC reimbursement for part of his project at 5th and Front?

  9. Easterner, At least 2 of the parties may not have standing as individuals due to not living in Boise. G&G Ventures is based in Eagle and North Carolina according to Idaho business filings. Wayne Hoffman lives in Nampa per the IFF website.

    Boise Model, Ludwig has already said that he would not request any CCDC monies for his project.

  10. Sad ethics in the local government
    Jan 22, 2019, 11:31 pm

    Actual or threatened injury upon/to themselves or others, Easterner. For the constitution to be law it must be enforceable.

  11. “In response to the lawsuit, city spokesman Mike Journee defended urban renewal as a strong economic development tool to encourage growth.” DO WE REALLY NEED TO ENCOURAGE GROWTH? Seems like the growth CCDC encourages is GREEDY GROWTH.
    Dave Bieter made such a big deal of being transparent YET Mike Journee speaks for him?? One might consider Elected public servant, Dave Bieter spineless!
