“Independent Body Corporate And Politic”

Urban renewal agencies were originally created to insulate federal finances from municipal finances. It was mandated by the Feds so cities didn’t commingle funds intended to fight blight with tax revenues intended to cover expenses like libraries, fire stations, and other municipal structures.

Under Idaho law urban renewal agency membership prohibits the city council from holding a majority of the seats. While the mayor appoints members, that is supposed to be his final role. The agency (in Boise it is the Capital City Development Corp.) is an “independent body corporate and politic.

Join us now for a little lesson in follow the dots.

: Mayor Dave Bieter appointed himself to the CCDC board. He supposedly “wears another hat” as a commissioner.

: Former city councilor Maryanne Jordan remains on the board despite her role as a state senator who is tasked to make decisions regarding urban renewal.

: Ben Quintana, a former city councilor appointed by Mayor Dave Bieter, also remains on the CCDC board.

: Randy Johnson is president of the Central Bench neighborhood association and also serves as Senator Jordan’s campaign manager.

: Johnson’s wife works in Mayor Bieter’s office. Johnson’s neighborhood is part of a planned CCDC expansion in the Orchard Street area.

: City Councilor Holli Woodings is not on the CCDC board, but her husband, Ryan Woodings, is a member.

: City Councilor Scot Ludwig sits on the CCDC board as the only incumbent city councilor. He is a law school classmate of Bieter’s and was appointed to the city council by Bieter before being subsequently elected.

: CCDC executive director John Brunelle came from Team Dave’s office of economic development as did another staffer who perpetrated a “dirty trick” letter to legislators when ACHD scheduled a legislative tour in the past. Then-councilor Jordan publicly apologized for that action.

So, you can see Boise’s urban renewal district is truly an “Independent Body Corporate and Politic,” free of any undue influence.

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  1. western guy
    Apr 16, 2019, 9:02 pm


    this is awesome! Of course, it’s all public knowledge, but you pulled the facts together.

    But dig a little deeper: One of the CCDC staffers, legal counsel, I believe, was formerly a Boise City deputy attorney. Check the resumes of all the other staffers…

  2. Hogs at the trough
    Apr 16, 2019, 10:42 pm

    They are indeed hogs at the trough. I’d like to see a federal investigation to follow the money. You pointed out a few of the obvious relationships. I’m sure there are many more.

  3. Great to have such an independent bunch of folks running the CCDC. Sounds like the voters need to clean house in Idaho and vote in a new group of City and State political hacks. Is there any such thing as an honest politician?

  4. The actions of The city of Boise’s elected public servants are the OPPOSITE OF KIND?! Suppose” Dave & HIS MASTER BIETERS are creating ghetto’s in parts of Boise so as to have the CCDC step in?
    We really need to call elected public servants JUST THAT. Honest politicians or wealthy politicians, as the president describes himself, are what they are before they take an OATH to SERVE THE PUBLIC. No matter what OFFICE.

  5. State laws says the reason for URA’s

    It is hereby found and declared that there exist in municipalities of the state deteriorated and deteriorating areas (as herein defined) which constitute
    -a serious and growing menace, injurious to the public health, safety, morals and welfare of the residents of the state;

    that the existence of such areas contributes substantially and increasingly to the spread of disease and crime,

    constitutes an economic and social liability imposing onerous municipal burdens which decrease the tax base and reduce tax revenues, substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of municipalities,

    retards the provision of housing accommodations,

    aggravates traffic problems and substantially impairs or

    arrests the elimination of traffic hazards and the improvement of traffic facilities; and that the prevention and elimination of these conditions is a matter of state policy and state concern in order that the state and its municipalities shall not continue to be endangered by areas which are —focal centers of disease,
    -promote juvenile delinquency, and
    -consume an excessive proportion of its revenue because of the extra services required for
    -hospitalization and other forms of public protection, services and facilities. ”

    Ironic that the areas within current URDS in Boise are actually the areas most likely to cause harm to people.

    So, CCDC has failed?

  6. Eamonn Harter
    Apr 17, 2019, 12:35 pm

    And the chair of CCDC Dana Zuckerman was making money several years ago hocking tiny houses (all <700 sq. ft) while the local news media gushed over the virtues of their 'affordability' (only $250/sq. ft!). Meanwhile, according to public records, she inhabits a newly-remodeled 4,000 sq. ft mansion in the North End. Clearly a case of "Do as I say, not as I do." and "Let them eat cake."

  7. Stop the noise and smoke
    Apr 19, 2019, 8:03 am

    The single easiest best thing the Mayor could do to improve his city is put a stop to noise making motorists. A large number of jackasses intentionally make as much noise as possible each morning and evening.

    Single biggest polluters of our air coming from modified diesel pickups. Why won’t the politicos stop it?

    Cheap to enforce and large ticket revenues. Why won’t the Mayor do something? Taking such enforcement actions with the powers they have already sure would be nice.

  8. Taking back our town
    Apr 19, 2019, 6:54 pm

    Is there a method where the people can “undeclare’ an urban renewal district. Do they go through public hearings? There must be a way to do this.

  9. I can tell you all without a doubt that another burning desire of this cast of characters is GUN CONFISCATION.

    MaryAnne Jordan, Randy Johnson & wife, Bieter all hate the Second Amendment. I’m sure that the other listed do too.

    We will lose all of our rights if these Kremlinites are given more power. They have too much already.
