City Government

Boise Council Sets Special Meeting

Boise’s city council has scheduled a “special meeting” for 12:30 p.m. Friday.

The meeting will begin with an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. It is an open secret the session will be to discuss the dismissal of Dennis Doan from the fire chief position.

The council cannot make any decisions in the secret meeting, so it will be followed by a public session in which the six members will vote on the fate of Doan. From a political standpoint Mayor Lauren McLean wouldn’t ask the council to consider the firing if she didn’t already have the votes.

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  1. I hope this is not an indication of the new Mayors future performance. It appears the Chief has been an excellent employee in the past and is liked and supported by the rest of the firemen. Sounds like a case of “Hell hath no wrath such as a Mayor scorned” As an owner of a small business I have found it is very easy to fire an employee, but not so easy to find a capable employee to replace them. Good employees should be supported.

  2. Prior job performance be damned. The man made the choice to make his position political when he became an active lobbyist in the election. His current problem is he bet on the wrong racehorse. How could the winner ever think of him as a valued, loyal employee? Her future is dependent on a cohesive team. Her leadership will appear weak if she does not persevere in this matter.

  3. Kent Goldthorpe
    Mar 6, 2020, 8:16 am

    It will not be the first time members of the Boise city council have participated in deliberating behind closed doors and then terminated someone in a purely political manner . This may be not for cause, but handling personnel matters in this way, political as it seems on the surface, is completely chicken at best. It’s likely not actionableeither because the Chief isn’t a “protected class”. Of course, they know this.

  4. Night Watch
    Mar 6, 2020, 8:42 am

    Isn’t also true the Firemen were warned about going public in their support of Bieter being it was illegal?

  5. Sorry, Kent. Nothing chicken about it. It is done this way to protect the Government’s liability by ensuring the employee’s personal and private information does not become public.

  6. Personal and private is one thing, but if this involves an issue that did, or would have, impacted the public, I think the City should have to explain this to the public.

  7. Deliberating personnel matters “behind closed doors” in executive session is precisely the way it is to be done under Idaho’ Open Meeting Law. The final decision resulting from those deliberations is then taken in an open, public meeting.

    Perhaps the ACHD needs a refresher in such matters.

  8. A county highway Commissioner says, “deliberating behind closed doors” for a significant termination is “completely chicken”?
    Even if it is political-


    Come on voters in District 4!

  9. XX. It would be illegal, unethical and irresponsible for elected officials to expose the City to a defamation lawsuit from an aggrieved employee solely for political theater. If the employee chooses to expose the info, they can file a wrongful firing suit.

  10. Some bureaucrat gets fired. Big deal.

  11. Old White Guy
    Mar 6, 2020, 2:03 pm

    Can the current mayor be held to promises made by the former mayor? I don’t know if KG is correct about everything but he’s right about needing popcorn for the show. I smell an expensive lawsuit coming, and money grows on trees for Boise City leaders. Ego driven missteps have cost taxpayers so much over the years. I wish we could attach the officeholder’s personal finances to such choices.

    PS: The big news this week is the economy is shutting down. Look around you. Box stores selling out and empty parking lots everywhere else. Less traffic at rush hour. Entire Seattle metro told to work from home. Seems like the first 20 minutes of an end of the world type movie.

  12. If he did nothing wrong, why did he resign rather than stand his ground to prove what he claimed to be true?

  13. What Doan did wrong was:
    1) politicize the fire dept.
    2) support Bieter when his time was up, which most folks who were paying attn knew (16 years!)—except Bieter (and, apparently, Doan)
    3) not offer his resignation when requested.
    4) made his leaving a big deal (if you’re gonna play politics, you should expect to leave when your guy loses).
