Archive for August, 2020

Scientist Warns About Waste Water In Canal

GUEST OPINION BY Richard Llewellyn, PhD Biochemistry Boise City plans to dump water they claim is “treated” into the Farmers Union Canal and the practice could be costly for water users and property owners alike. Turns out the water is laced with trace chemicals from dozens of sources and it just may lead to a […]

Ada Officials Scammed By Developer

A GUARDIAN reader expressed concerns with the Tommy Ahlquist-Greenstone attempt to corner the market on Expo Idaho (Fairgrounds) to the Ada County Development Services. The reader got this well reasoned and measured response Monday: First and foremost, I want to make the following very clear: the co-chairs did NOT meet with Tommy Alquist’s company, nor […]

GBAD Has Illegal Meet With Developer

Whether inadvertent or intentional, the Greater Boise Auditorium District met last week in executive session (citizens excluded) to hear a pitch from Tommy Ahlquist and Greenstone Properties for yet another attempt to get public money for a private development. This time they want to take the Expo Idaho (Fairgrounds) for condos and commercial development. Don […]

Editor Recalls First Encounter With Chloroquine And A President

By David R. Frazier, editor Excerpt from his book, “DRAFTED! Vietnam at war and at peace” President Donald Trump’s advocacy for the drug Chloroquine brought back memories from 52 years ago for Frazier who was prescribed the “malaria pill” following his Vietnam service in the Army. In July of 1968 while working at the Ypsilanti […]
