
RBG Boise Connection, Memorial

Tucked away next to the sign for a flyfishing shop on Vista Ave. in Boise is a small plaque and memorial to Sally Reed who once lived on the spot.

In 1971 Boise attorney Allen Derr joined efforts with then-lawyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the United States Supreme Court to strike a blow for women’s rights on behalf of Sally Reed. Ginsburg later became a Supreme Court Justice.

The Idaho Supremes had given preference to Reed’s former husband over the estate of their deceased son, preferring the male over mother. The case was reversed and became a land mark decision on behalf of women.

Within hours of Ginsburg’s death Friday, flowers were placed at the Sally Reed memorial along with thoughts and items to honor the two women.

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  1. David Zarkin
    Sep 19, 2020, 2:24 pm

    I remember a reference to Idaho Supreme Court in movie “A Matter of Sex.”
    Thanks for sharing this and I will share it as well. Stay healthy in the Gem State. DAZ

  2. I knew about Allen Derr’s crucial involvement, but had known very little about Sally Reed, much less her living in Boise and the plaque in her memory. Thanks for knowing about this and posting it.
    ?Who sponsored and posted the plaque?

  3. FIRST THING – WELCOME BACK, Mr. Guardian! I feel better, just knowing you’re out there with your ear on the tracks!

    Thanks for sharing this! I really wasn’t “into” current events, back in ’71… but it was obviously a great ruling by the Supreme Court. (Unanimous! Have they decided anything unanimously, since?) Mr. Derr was involved in legal mish-mash somewhat regularly, but that was certainly Ms. Reed’s “fifteen minutes of fame.”

  4. “the male must be preferred over the female”

    That case was 1971. And today, women are STILL fighting for their rights: in their house, in the statehouse, and in the Whitehouse- and especially in the US Supreme Court.
    Unfortunately, this October will likely swing against women.

    This year as the 100 year anniversary of suffrage, with many attacks on voters’ rights- 2020 continues to suck.

    Let’s remember, when women marched and rallied for their voting rights they were opposed by ‘counter-protesters’ – white men. Women were not given their rights. They had to fight for basic rights- just like today.
    Control and privilege ALWAYS resists change.

  5. Easterner may not know this… being an “easterner” and all… but the western half of the U.S. was way ahead of the federal government, with regards to women’s suffrage.

    2020 is the 124th anniversary of women having the right to vote in Idaho. (Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah were ahead of us.)

    I agree that women’s rights have not come easy. I’m happy that they are (mostly) no longer regarded as second-class citizens.

    And, as for the women in MY house having rights… I’M THE KING! (As long as I have the queen’s blessing, of course.)

    EDITOR NOTE–I always tell Daisy I am the alpha male. She usually understands. Daisy is our dog.

    Sadly, Idaho also holds another note–the Idaho legislature was one of five to rescind ratification of the equal rights amendment, Feb. 8, 1977.

  6. Yes, Bikeboy. Thanks for the add-on.

    Let’s also remember Idaho (and the rest) has an awful position of “gender equality”.
    Think of two words: YOUR DAUGHTER.

    Gender rights.
    Civil rights.
    LGBQ rights.
    Animal rights.
    Felon rights.
    Voting rights.
    BICYCLIST rights.

    They all go together to consider OTHER PEOPLE, animals, and the environment.

    The Idaho legislature is so monoculture, it is really gross (made only worse with the retirement of Rep. Buckner-Webb).
    Remember the DUMB north Idaho Barbieri asked in committee if a camera pill could be swallowed for telemedicine to do a pregnancy exam? Then, and many other times demonstrated he is an idiot- like too many of his colleagues.
    “We the people”?
