Federal Government

The Marines Have Landed–Repeatedly

If you are one of the many Boise area residents who have heard the repeated noise of military fighter jets, we have learned from a reader the jets are 10 Marine Corps F-18 Hornets, the same aircraft used by the Blue Angels.

The GUARDIAN received several calls from readers commenting on the excess noise from the fighters, so we called the Idaho Air National Guard command post to see if they could provide any info.

The duty sergeant told us, “I am in the basement with no windows. I can certainly hear them, but they are not using our facilities and I don’t know who they are.”

GUARDIAN reader Katie Fite got a reply from Lt Col Chris Borders, the ANG spokesman and he told her this:

“The sounds you’re hearing are the result of 10 USMC F-18 Hornets from Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. They are not here to train with the IDANG, nor are they utilizing any of our facilities, ramps or services.

They are staying on the BOI (airport) side, receiving services from a commercial facility (Jackson Aviation) there. From what I can tell, they plan to be here through October 30th.

I don’t believe they are here for a “named” exercise (as in a major regional or larger exercise). They are utilizing/training in the Mountain Home Range Complex.”


Comments & Discussion

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  1. This number of planes for a protracted period of time seems more like a temporary Bed Down/invasion, and not just what would be defined as “transient” activity. WHY are they here, flying all over town and over top a large civilian population repeatedly? Why aren’t they in Mountain Home? It seems like using the Jackson Jet Center is a way to avoid accountability for their actions. There have been a LOT of Hornet crashes. Including one in 2008 that killed 3 civilians when it crashed over town …

    Oct 22, 2020, 9:12 pm

    I live near Hillcrest Country Club, and two mornings ago, my “alarm clock” was a 93 dB-A roar, IN MY HOUSE, buzzing my roof. Yes, I have a noise app on my phone, because we’ve had to fight tooth and nail against F-35s being based at Gowen. No one said anything about the Marines. I continue to record the noise levels, when I can get to my phone soon enough. This is unacceptable. I will be calling Jackson Aviation tomorrow. And who can we call at Miramar?

  3. I, for one, will gladly tolerate “the sound of freedom” for a few days, or even a week or two! I’ve been curious myself… it’s obvious even to my untrained ears, how much noisier they are than the A-10s we’re accustomed to.

    Related: I recently spent the night in Layton, Utah, with friends who moved there from our area. Since they live right in the flight path of the aircraft (F-35s, just like “we” competed for), I asked them how the jet noise affected their lives.

    “If the windows are closed, you can carry on a conversation inside. Outside? Fuggeddaboudit!”

    That could’ve been US! Rah-rah, A-10!

  4. Chasm, Leadership needed
    Oct 23, 2020, 12:13 am

    Visiting military, welcome! Unfortunately Boise has been embroiled in an airport noise debate for many years. You in the military have no control over our debate, so do what you have to do to fly your airplanes safely. If that means making some noise then so be it. Don’t be distracted. Keep your eye on the ball while we the people of Boise hash out our differences. Please ignore comments some may make which are ignorant or perhaps even disrespectful. You are respected by all no matter their position on airport noise. I hope your visit is enjoyable and your training successful. I know training is extremely important for safety efficiency and mission success. Thank you for your service to the nation and all the people of Boise.

    As for my fellow Boise citizens, I am one who would like less noise related to the Boise airport. Problem solving starts with leadership, and we still seem to be lacking it on this topic. Under Bieter it became a really ugly situation. I’m hoping the new Mayor is reading this and dares to find a way to close this chasm deeply dividing Boise.

  5. Chasm,
    You sound like Pollyanna singing Kumbaya. Since the military is not going to put noise mufflers on fighter jets, the only solution to healing the divide is to not let them train or fly here.

  6. Night Trader
    Oct 23, 2020, 10:16 am

    As a former member of the ANG I am sympathetic of the noise they must create. That said, I must admit to noise relief when we switched from the F4’s years ago. I spent a year of my much younger life fascinated by them while at TanSonNhut AFB. However, after moving to Boise, I really appreciated the Warthogs that replaced them here. The A-10’s are a terrific fighting machine far more suitable for basing in a large city environment. Now we have an invasion of the very noisy Marine jets hitting town without our own ANG being FULLY informed of their coming. Apparently, either M/H AFB doesn’t want them or the Marines don’t feel it is a suitable facility. So the tranquil city of Boise receives the unexpected and thrilling noise of freedom. I agree with Chasm, our leadership is at fault. Maybe Jackson has a bit more juice with City Hall than I thought. Think I’ll buy my fuel elsewhere.

  7. Janet J Gregory
    Oct 23, 2020, 10:54 am

    As a veteran and frequent visitor onboard Camp Pendleton, Miramar Air Station and other military installations I can attest to the fact that when the military is not in active combat, they are training, practicing and perfecting their skills, teamwork and logistics.

    Rest assured this peacetime activity is for the good for all citizens. I support our troops and am grateful for their derive to our country.

  8. good to know. I must be deaf as I didn’t know (hear) any jets flying around Boise.
    Although those dang Life Flight sure are annoying and LOUD buzzing at all hours of the night. Could crash in the city at any minute- maybe on Katie. You “airport residents” can be glad you don’t live next to St Al’s or St Luke’s and their ‘choppers’. ha!

    What’s more concerning is the duty sergeant doesn’t know who they are. “Could be the Russians. Heck, I don’t know who is flying in our airspace”. Lowly desk watch, but none the less – something that should be passed down (ya might get some phone calls). What’s going on there?

    Welcome Marines!

    UPDATE 10/24 https://abcnews.go.com/US/dead-us-naval-aircraft-crashes-residential-alabama-neighborhood/story?id=73799022

  9. western guy
    Oct 23, 2020, 4:50 pm


    You are a chump for saying what you did about Katie Fite. I don’t know her but she’s likely done more to protect much of Boise than you have.

    Move back…

  10. Listen. The Marine pilots are keeping you all in mind and they are doing nothing fancy and are using as little afterburner as possible (they must use some when the start to roll for safety protocol) they are not doing overhead breaks and they are doing straight out departures. The air guard was informed and asked them to not do anything special or fancy and they have listened. When they planned to come here mountain home told them no as they have there own stuff going on and we’re full and could not park them and now that they are here they can’t pack up all there equipment and ground crew and just move. It’s a 2 week DET it should not be that big of an issue. Calling there home base or Jackson jet center won’t get you anywhere. They have the fuel contract and that’s that they can’t control how loud they are. The base can’t help you since they are not breaking any rules for the minute you can hear them. They like it up here because it’s good mountain training and they aren’t bothering you while they are on there mission it is over military air space and they are just student pilots practice BFM (basic flight maneuvers) the Hornet is a very safe aircraft and always has been. Many types of planes crash small GA, airlines and helicopters most of the time it’s the pilot not the aircraft and many of the instructor pilots are top gun grads they are the best of the best. A-10s have crashed and often emergency land because they are aging. I do not think that should be a worry. The pilots are being mindful of all of you and that should be respected there job is to fly their airplane not control noise and how you feel about them just let them operate.

  11. Easterner is correct, about the concern, of the duty Sargent in the BASEMENT and not knowing whats going on above ground OR IN THE AIR?
    If BOI is capable of handling F-18’s maybe we don’t need Gowen Field?

  12. Easterner, Deaf? Crash on someone? Dumb.

  13. Yeastie must live under a bridge, cuz he’s a TROLL.

  14. I think they may be a bit more going on here. More than just F-18 and A-10 training. I’ve seen what might be be F-4 and F-16 traffic since I spend much of my time working outside. Just curious if there is any preparatory training for election week chaos.

    EDITOR NOTE–Not sure there are any f-4s flying anywhere these days. God help us if anyone uses fighter jets for “election week chaos.”

  15. To Western/Editor
    Oct 25, 2020, 9:28 pm

    Actually there are a lot of modernized F-4s still in use. The Greeks, Turks, South Koreans, Japanese, and Iranians still fly them. The modernized F-4 is a formidable weapon if you uses it’s strengths correctly. Tuff fast, powerful missile truck/bomb truck.

    Might be the reason MHAFB is full. Visiting foreign air force training occurring?

  16. The F-4s have been out of the Air Force forever and we have not had F-16s since gowen thunder which was the thunder birds! And nope the F-18s are juts student pilots practice mountain training and dog fighting!

  17. There are no foreign jets in the us due to covid no matter where really. MHAFB had more marines out there and there was some over lap with the F-18s. There was the Av8B harrier and some other stuff

  18. well, as to the “update” of a Navy jet crash, above—sure, that unfortunately happens. That recent case was about 45 miles from their air station- much like Mtn Home is about 45 miles from Boise. So the idea these jets ought to be training at MH doesn’t exactly change the risk (based on the case referenced above).

    And I can add in links to all the LifeFlight crashes IN A CITY, as well.

    None the less, using a ‘potential’ plane crash from BOI is irrelevant in whether jets ought to be flying from our airport- same goes for 737Max, or A320, and DC-10 or any other plane. It’s an airport!

    Still haven’t heard these jets.
    Would love to see em today!

  19. Easterner,
    Poor comparison. They wouldn’t leave Mnt. Home to come fly over the populated area. They don’t train over the city when here. They just use the airport as their base thus increasing the risk to the population.

  20. Dave Kangas
    Oct 26, 2020, 6:45 pm

    If they are working with Jackson aviation my bet is that they are tweaking, tuning some electronics and then flight testing it. That would be about the only reason to be working with Jackson Aviation, IMO.

    EDITOR NOTE–Another commenter said Jackson has the fuel contract for the visitors. Jackson seems to have a lot of military visitors in the course of a year.

  21. As one continues to hear the F-18’s we should ask why an independent contractor,Jackson Aviation, is servicing F-18’s? Wouldn’t it cost less and be training for the guard at Gowen Field to participate? Did an elected public servant make that decision, I wonder?

  22. No, costs more
    Oct 29, 2020, 7:56 pm

    Frank, nothing is cheaper than the private sector. The military is home to the $80,000 toilets seats and other wasteful nonsense.

  23. Finally heard em this morning- well 2 of em.
    I stepped outside into the fresh, free air and a rumbling sound broke through the static of noisy big trucks, whiney rice burner cars, and Harley motorcycles.
    Nice! I was just missing the bugling.

    For Frank on a comment of public servants and the following ‘cheap private sector” nonsense–

    here’s your sign: https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-mar-a-lago-resort-charged-taxpayers-3-water-wapo-2020-10


    the examples and the VIOLATIONS of law are horrendous – law and order baby!

  24. Veteran here, I personally love the sound of freedom flying overhead knowing our proud men and woman are getting those much needed hours behind the stick so that they are mission ready at all times against our enemies. Now for all you cry babies needing tissues if you dont like the noise move to california 👍 you know where your freedom doesnt exist!

  25. Martin Fredmont
    Oct 30, 2020, 12:38 pm

    I think the reality of what Boise is now hasn’t sunk in for a lot of the folks at BOI or Gowen. I don’t doubt that in a few years the national guard will be driven out of Boise and that BOI will be sued over and over again for commercial noise. The city was poorly designed from a noise standpoint to begin with but now that money is coming into the city folks will fight for more peace and quite in parts of the city that were never meant to be quite. As a former Marine I don’t mind the jets but I also can’t deny what I’ve seen happen to the Treasure Valley. Part of me is excited for it and another part of me is sad to know that one day Gowen will be gone.
