Archive for March, 2021

The Culture Of COVID

After finally getting both COVID vaccine shots (the Brits call them “jabs”) pent up desire to be on the road again put us in the car for a cross country drive to Florida to visit relatives. In Farmington, New Mexico the local Denny’s required diners to register and provide a phone number prior to seating. […]

Ada Commish Tries To Influence Judge

The IDAHO PRESS has revealed a blockbuster story detailing an attempt by Ada Commish Ryan Davidson to influence Judge David Manweiler to “accommodate” political activist Ammond Bundy’s refusal to wear a COVID mask inside the courthouse. Davidson denied any attempt to influence the judge, but said the mask issue was his own personal belief. While […]

Ada Commishes Nix Jail Plan

The GUARDIAN offers kudos to Ada Commishes Ryan Davidson and Rod Beck for not endorsing a plan by previous commissioners to subvert the Idaho Constitutional mandate to seek voter approval for debt to build a jail expansion. Margaret Carmel at BOISEDEV has a detailed account. Under former Commish Dianna Lachiondo, a plan was hatched to […]

Tourists Come See The Rusty Iron Trees

A pair of Idaho legislators have spawned a letter campaign by Boise City’s arts department to seek support for a move to kill House Bill 311. Introduced by Rep. Aaron von Ehlinger and Sen. Regina Bayer, HB 311 would require public art costing $25,000 or less be approved by a simple two-thirds majority vote from […]
