City Government

Is Bedke Running For Boise Mayor?

If a recent campaign funds solicitation is any indication, it looks like Scott Bedke is running for Boise mayor against Lauren McLean. It isn’t clear just what he will do to stop McLean or what she will do to hurt the office of Lt. Gov.

Here is a copy of what he sent to potential donors with no mention that current Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin has spent most of the office’s budget appropriation. He includes a stern warning about what happened to Colorado…whatever that may have been.


Have you seen what’s happening in our capital city? Their mayor and city council recently passed multiple resolutions that will send Boise down the same path as Portland and Seattle.

A new resolution blocks the Boise Police Department from investigating violations of Idaho’s abortion law. MayorMcLean’s allies on the Boise City Council also want to infringe on your 2nd Amendment rights, through universal background checks and Red Flag laws. If the message was not clear, they also told Congress to block sales of semi-automatic guns.

We should not be surprised…

Directly after taking office, Mayor McLean released her progressive agenda, which among other items, called to provide free contraception, abortion, and reproductive health care, as well as a number of red-tape regulations for law enforcement officers. The mayor also wanted free internet city-wide and classes on white fragility, but who cares about the cost of funding those programs…especially with Bidenflation, right?

These programs have the full support of my opponent. If Republicans don’t band together, Democrats will attempt to force these issues on all Idahoans. If you’re not worried, look at what happened to Colorado and is happening in other states.

If you want leaders who fight to uphold Idaho’s laws and its Constitution, donate to my campaign for Lieutenant Governor. Under my leadership, I’ve always lived within the taxpayers’ means, always defended the Constitution, and always fought to protect the Idaho Way!

Will you help me protect Idaho?


Scott Bedke

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  1. Kanagroo Court Bedke may still be prosecuted for his previous house stunts.

  2. Perhaps he should mind his own damn business. That said, I am in Garden City so perhaps I should too. What a goober (him not me, maybe)

  3. Romeo Sierra.
    Aug 1, 2022, 10:30 pm

    If we look up the term reprobate we should see an image of this worthless shill!!

  4. I wish he would. I am tired of the social and tax and spend agenda that is the norm in Boise City. There is so much unnecessary spending in city hall that something needs to be done to change it.

  5. Bedke has been there 20 years. Giddings, unfortunately was hot on his trail. He probably doesn’t have built in respect for women, as his letter seems to indicate. It seems a bit conspiracy like if you ask me.

    There is a qualified democrat, Terry Pickens Manweiler. He was probably afraid to put her name out there. Time for him to move back to the ranch.

  6. What a spectacle to contemplate. When is the kick-off, tip-off, puck drop? Where do I get tickets?

  7. western guy
    Aug 2, 2022, 8:59 am

    i’ve tole you time and time again: the Republicans are using the Trump era mentality to take over every politial and government in Idaho (the ones they don’t already own).

  8. Dave, you’ve been around enough to see this show before (from both sides, incidentally): find some punching bag to rail against, especially one that many would see as the bogeyman. This one gets bonus points!

    * A woman (obviously);
    * Boise mayor (flogging against Boise has always worked in Idaho politics);
    * A “liberal”

    People wonder why we get the turds we do in office–here’s a perfect example how it happens. Instead of promoting what he would bring to the office, throw shade somewhere else. Guarantee he wins, and any money he collects just gets banked for a future gubernatorial run. Whole thing is shameful.

    I’ll just leave this here: “The American people get the government they deserve, and they get it good and hard” — Mencken.

  9. BR. What about the tax and spend agenda of the GOP-led county commission? Last week they passed a budget that added 65 new county positions and approved $14 million in raises for employees. When the GOP gains control of the Boise council will things change? No. The only thing that will change is who reaps the rewards from taxpayer dollars.

  10. “For too long Idahoans have voted against their own interests, assuming that the people they vote for will have their best interests at heart simply because of the party affiliation next to their names.

    For many years, I believed the elected leaders in Idaho shared my values and that they genuinely cared about me.

    For the past four or five years, that belief has been absolutely shattered. I now see that in order to have a state with leaders that respect my values and the values of MOST Idahoans, I needed to be a voice for all of us. A voice of reason. A voice of humility. And a voice for change.”

    From Terri Pickens.

  11. As Bedke mentions McLean as his opponent?

    Bedke also states if we want a leader who fights to uphold Idaho’s laws and constitution…? When the Republican party tried to over turn the will of the people and dismantle our democratic way of life, we need to question the constitution he claims to defend?

    We the People, need to be concerned at those who call themselves leaders and fighters. Aren’t THEY elected public servants that get paid to work for their constituents? Have ALL of Our elected public servants distanced themselves from we the people? Once in office Fighting pursues and that was all their campaigning was about? Fighting, not working for us?

  12. Boise is on the same path as Portland and Seattle?
    So more craft breweries and a coffee shop on every corner?

    He sounds butthurt. Isn’t he from the same place as Larry Craig?

  13. Richard Downen
    Aug 2, 2022, 8:04 pm

    I love that someone local is willing to fight against the progressive establishment at Boise City Hall

  14. Hey Richard Downen, Deputy Treasurer of City of Boise (city employee) – someone local? Bedke is not local. duh!

    Are you sure your boss knows you are this smart?

  15. R or D, they’re all in this together
    Aug 2, 2022, 11:33 pm

    Almost every person in any position of power is a sociopath.

    They fight for their own power and wealth.

    Believing you’ll get change at the voting booth is like believing a fat guy comes down the chimney every Christmas.

  16. Concerned Neighbor
    Aug 3, 2022, 7:12 am

    A sock puppet would be better than Marxist McLean and Bigot Sanchez.

    Democrats have led over a thousand violent riots the last couple years that did billions in damage and led to hundreds of deaths. They’ve created 17% real inflation. They’ve listed “don’t tread on me” as a sign of domestic terrorism while their brownshirts blantifa continue to terrorize everyone. They started a civil war 5 years ago through LawFare (abuse of law) and 5th gen war (censorship, misinformation, information control) and 2.5 years ago entered 1st gen warfare (riots). They are the #1 enemy of this country.

  17. Jeff, Craig is from Council. Bedke is from southern Idaho. Richard, not sure you can call him local. His campaign ads say he’s a southern Idaho rancher. Not sure where he lives in Boise when he’s here. But I bet he doesn’t claim it as a primarily residence.

  18. We had an ORANGE colored sock puppet in the white house for four years. That sock puppet wanted to create an autocracy, and continues, the try, to create IT through ignorance. I don’t think it was better

  19. Worth a note here—
    Man sentenced to federal prison; Investigation turned up threats to McLean

  20. Easterner: Are you suggesting some connection by making the note here?

  21. Shouldn’t Scott Bedke’s attention be home in Oakley in the heat of summer tending to his cows beating uo the riparian areas of the Sawtooth Forest Minidoka Ranger District Goose Creek allotment country? Where he pays the princely sum of $1.35/month per cow or cow calf pair? Welfare Ranching at its finest. So when you hear Bedke rail about the big bad Feds – just remember he reaps the financial benefit of the grossly subsidized federal grazing program.

  22. katie, your ire is misguided. He did not set the rate, the government did. Why should he not take advantage as do his competitors in the industry? What is the difference in his subsidy to any others such as green energy production or a milk subsidy or a chip manufacturer tax advantage, etc. etc.?

  23. Caeth,

    Katie is not misguided. He does get advantages from the government because of his business. There are many other classes of people who could use a hand-up in the same way. He is rich, but refuses to see the community around him. Are they not pure enough, or do they have differing life opinions? Or would they reduce his take?

    You would suspect that his mormonism would prevent him from doing such a misleading letter. Asking for money no less! Can’t he just walk in to the church with his hat out?

    These affiliations such as ranch, farm, church, disenfranchise a good percentage of people.

    On another note, his suits are out of style and his media photos are waayy out of date.
