
This category contains 545 posts

Still No Check To BCVB From G-BAD

As of late Tuesday still no record of the $24,500 check from the G-BAD boys (and girls) to the Boise Convention and Visitor Bureau. While the G-BAD board voted 3 to 2 to approve funds for promotion work by the BCVB, treasurer Stephanie Astorquia has yet to put her name to a check. She has […]

Yet Another Baseball Park Survey

Team Dave and a group calling itself the Better Boise Coalition is aiming to commission yet another survey about the feasibility of building a minor league baseball park in Boise. They are doing wonders for the consulting industry, but everything is predicated upon the “need” for a new ball park. The Boise Hawks team is […]

County Hikes Spending By 11%, No Tax Jump

The Obama administration and the Washington Repubs could use the talents of the Ada Commishes and budget planners when it comes to public spending and taxing within a balanced budget. Seems that Ada County plans to raise its SPENDING by 11%, but not increase taxes. This after four years of touting the fact they left […]

Firefighters Seek To Fill The Boot With “Stupid Person” Fees

Boise’s City Council approved a set of “stupid person” fees on behalf of the Fire Department Tuesday night. It must take one to know one. Here is the price list for “AT FAULT” fees these elected politicos approved. -Residential false alarm: second $75, three or more, $150 each. -Commercial false alarm: second $125, three or […]

G-BAD Treasurer Stiffs Visitor Bureau

President Obama and the Washington Republicans don’t have an exclusive when it comes to spending public money and political brinkmanship. According to reports reaching the GUARDIAN today, the controversial payment of Greater Boise Auditorium cash to the Boise Convention and Visitor’s Bureau in the amount of $24,500 was held up for lack of a signature. […]

BIGGER Isn’t Better, BETTER Is Better

The downtown deciders need to take lesson from the previous Bronco Football God, Dan Hawkins who once proclaimed that “Bigger isn’t better, better is better.” The Sunday DAILY PAPER has a story by Cynthia Sewell detailing the the “options” for a new convention center. One of the ideas would involve demolishing a newly constructed county […]

Caldwell Gives Taxpayer Cash To City Employees

The City of Caldwell has quietly passed along tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars to city employees at a time when unemployment is at historic high levels and property values are declining. Caldwell GUARDIAN editor Paul Alldredge caught the item on the “consent agenda” of the city council and obtained the resolution. Otherwise it would […]

E-15 Fuel No Good For Older Cars

A GUARDIAN car buff reader sent this along as a reminder, warning, grump at the Feds: BY BILL GOODNIGHT The “ethanol industry” (mostly prospering corn farmers) has successfully lobbied the EPA to issue a final rule approving the use of gasoline diluted with 15% ethanol (E15). EPA recognized this fuel will seriously damage vehicles manufactured […]

Guv: Storage Business Purchase “Was A Mistake”

Idaho Gov. Butch Otter has withdrawn his support for a controversial Land Board decision to own and operate a commercial storage business. The GUARDIAN revealed the state ownership–which competes directly with the private sector–in an EXCLUSIVE story last November. Otter told the IDAHO REPORTER his support of the decision to invest in the private retail […]

Chinese “Takeover” Is Like Japanese Boom Of 1980’s

Conservative American blogs have created a significant buzz over the issue of a “Chinese Takeover” of America and much of the fear mongering is centered in Boise–thanks to statements by politicos seeking the almighty Renminbi. Some of those concerns have a foundation in fact. In reality, the situation so far is much like the Japanese […]

Coppers On Choppers “Have Guns Will Travel”

If you notice any Boise coppers on choppers along the scenic byways of Boise County this summer, they aren’t lost. They’re just using the City-owned uniforms and BMW motorcycles to earn a little overtime–at about $56 an hour. It’s all part of a highway safety grant funded by U.S. taxpayers and administered by the Idaho […]

Should Government Spend Tax $$ To Lobby?

A recent story in the IDAHO REPORTER about the Pocatello Auditorium District using $20,000 in taxes to lobby on its own behalf exposes only the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to government influencing government. Perhaps the worst offender in the influence peddling game is the City of Boise. The city is awash […]

Hospitals Dump Cash To Remain “Non-Profit”

After reading the DAILY PAPER story on hospital CEO pay, we thought of all those dedicated candy stripers and others who VOLUNTEER at a place where the big guys are making more in a year than most will make in a lifetime. While the Statesman article on hospital CEO compensation was interesting, of much more […]

A Different SLANT On Election Results

Now that pundits, critics, and proponents have had a day to digest the results of the Tuesday election, it is time for the GUARDIAN slant. The DAILY PAPER’s Joe Estrella did a piece on the Meridian school levy election claiming voters “torpedoed” the tax hike. Did voters perhaps “decline to grant a request to raise […]

Kloc and Peavey-Derr Win G-BAD Race

If campaign promises mean anything, it looks like the Boise Visitor and Convention Bureau won’t be getting any public tax money from the Greater Boise Auditorium District (G-BAD) in the near future. Hy Kloc and Judy Peavey-Derr were top vote getters for the two seats up for grabs. Kloc had previously told the GUARDIAN, “My […]

CCDC Chief To Get $114,000 Retirement Bonus

CCDC Pays Arid Club Dues March 14, 2007   A recent tip to the GUARDIAN confirms our worst fears about Boise City’s urban renewal agency operating without oversight or accountability to the citizens. The CCDC (Capitol City Development Corp.) is funded by property taxes and income from publicly owned parking facilities in the downtown area […]

Eagle, Others Owed Nearly $8,000 From Urban Renewal

A clerical error in calculating the “base value” on some open space in Eagle’s urban renewal district has resulted in about $8,000 in taxes being diverted away from the Eagle City general fund and other taxing units, based on a revelation uncovered Tuesday. Seems that a parcel of land was split and split again in […]

G-BAD Election Heats Up (More)

Playing by the rules has always been a loose proposition in politics, but the GUARDIAN has copies of a document favoring two candidates for the May 17 Greater Boise Auditorium District election that appears to have crossed the line. The “800 pound gorilla” in the race is over the issue of whether or not the […]

G-BAD Election Is About Spending Room Taxes

With six candidates chasing only two seats on an obscure government board, the Greater Boise Auditorium District election of May 17 would seem like a yawner. Not so if you are in the public relations, advertising, hotel, or even the DANCE business. The big issue is a split among candidates over funding The Boise Convention […]

Canyon Government Workers Earn Top $$$

The Idaho Press-Tribune ran a salary roundup of top paid government workers which shows that Canyon County is a great place to work if you like to benefit from taxpayer largess…not so good if you are one of those taxpayers. While the story shows half a dozen Nampa coppers earned (received?) well in excess of […]
