
This tag is associated with 1 posts

EMS Monopoly Ordinance Goes To Court

The issue of who has the ultimate authority to operate ambulance service, establish medical protocol and levy taxes is headed for the courts in what can be termed as a “test case.” Ada County Commishes passed the ordinance which was strongly opposed by fire chiefs and firefighters at last week’s meeting. The passage and resulting […]

Boise City Loses ANOTHER Legal Fight

Boise City’s legal department and Team Dave have preserved their losing record on high profile civil cases with yet another courtroom defeat. The city earlier this year sued Ada County over the approval of the Avimor planned community on Highway 55. Judge Duff McKee dismissed the city case Thursday saying they had “no standing” in […]

Felony Flushed In Poop Farm Plea

Former Boise Poop Farm Manager Dave Skinner copped a plea on misdemeanor charges of misusing public funds at the Twenty Mile South facility. To hear the Statesman and mayor tell it, vigilant managers in your local government caused good to triumph over evil. “Team Dave” leader, Mayor Dave Bieter, told the Idaho Statesman’s Brad Hem, […]

Cities Dislike Supreme Ruling

Not content with a decision the Idaho Supreme Court spent a year deliberating, the Association of Idaho Cities has filed a motion for rehearing with the court. The Association, whose members include cities from throughout Idaho, seeks to modify the language of the FRAZIER decision in an effort to exempt cities from abiding by a […]

Commishes Legal Bills Rise

The Attorney General’s office turned up the heat a notch this week when he filed a bill for nearly $13,000 in legal fees incurred by the state of Idaho prosecuting the Ada County Commishes for an open meeting violation. We can’t properly use “conviction” and “prosecution” in their common context because this case is a […]

The Price of Justice

Justice doesn’t come cheaply in Ada County. The bill for the private counsel representing the Ada County Commishes has reached over $14,000 in that secret meeting case. The commishes met with Boise City Councilor Vern Bisterfeldt last June in a closed session, claiming it was to discuss potential legal matters. Bisterfeldt has testified (by deposition) […]

He Said, She Said, They Said

New motions filed in court over the Ada County Commishes alleged illegal meeting are going to end up with a legal conclusion that somebody isn’t telling the truth. The latest filing includes an affidavit of Boise City Councilor Vern Bisterfeldt who flatly says, “There was no discussion of pending litigation…Additionally…I was not aware of pending […]

Prosecutor Has Inquest Conflict

The GUARDIAN has received several reader inquiries about the on again-off again-on again coroner’s inquest into the death of 16-year-old Matthew Jones who was shot and killed by a Boise police officer last December. The Ada County prosecutor has a definite conflict of interest since the only potential defendant is a policeman on the same […]

Jailhouse Lawyer

Jeannie Braun, the lady lawyer who was recently convicted of falsifying legal documents is sitting in the Ada County jail and she may sit longer if she doesn’t write a letter to the Idaho State Bar–a condition of her plea bargain. It may sound oxymoronic (for you non-library types that means contradictory) but some honest […]
