
West Nile Along The Boise

Ada County bug trappers have found West Nile virus in a mosquito trap off Joplin Road which is between Highway 20 and the Boise River.
bug trap.jpg

A trap like the one pictured is used to capture bugs in selected areas. Such traps should not be disturbed if discovered since they yield scientific data.

This is the third time the presence of the virus has been confirmed in Ada County this year. A couple of dead birds succumbed to the disease in the Protest-Boise Avenue earlier and a trap in SW Ada also had a positive test.

Health officials say less than 1% of humans with the disease suffer serious consequences. Flu-like simpletons of headache and joint pain are most common.

The GUARDIAN doesn’t want this to get out of hand considering the world situation. It just wouldn’t be justified for the Bush administration to declare war on Egypt just because the Nile runs through that African nation.

We also fear they may have plans for a preemptive strike to halt the spread of avian bird flu…by attacking the Canary Islands. Of course Turkey is nervous too. Not true, but you will probably hear it on the FM radio in the next week.

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  1. “It just wouldn’t be justified for the Bush administration to declare war on Egypt just because the Nile runs through that African nation.”

    Since when does W need justification?

  2. Guardian

    You should always remember that Denial is not a river in Egypt!

  3. Dang it, Guardian! I haven’t got time to worry about critter-borne illnesses right now… I’d already decided to wring my hands over Global Warming this week!

    Speaking of radio… and “dope journalism” and such… does anybody else sorely miss Jon and Chris from the KIDO morning lineup? Their departure has left a huge void. Dave Burnett, a former C/W disc jockey, tries his best, but the guy is weak. (He was talking to Mike Crapo on the air yesterday, and called him “Congressman Crapo.” I’m not sure he understands the distinction between the Senate and the House.) And the new guy, evidently imported from North Dakota (?) is a genuine yokel! This morning, he was talking about the head-butt that made time stand still, and used the word “explicitive” 2 times. Shouldn’t a radio commentator have a command of the language? (I’m not quite desperate enough to listen to Paul J. Schneider yet, but some mornings I’m tempted.)

  4. More than the normal number of dead birds along the roadway through Columbia Villiage.

  5. Can dogs and cats catch it from dead birds?

    EDITOR NOTE– Fish & Game experts says West Nile cannot be transmitted by the dead bird to a dog or cat. Another note–the only source of rabies in Idaho is bats. We do not have any known rabies in skunks, raccoons, or squirrels–on ly bats.
