
Team Dave Sees The Light–FINALLY!

After years of lame excuses and spending thousands of taxpayer dollars in Sun Valley to discuss local problems, Team Dave has finally written the Chamber of Commerce suggesting that just MAYBE it would be a good idea to hold the annual indoctrination of local “leaders” in Treasure Valley.a

KTVB CHannel 7 had a GOOD STORY detailing the annual expenditure of public money to listen to what the Chamber thinks local folks need to hear when it comes to growth, development and related issued. Past events been a love-in for growth and a chance for the money people to get face time with the politicos. Common folks simply couldn’t afford to attend.

For many years the GUARDIAN has scorned, ridiculed, and bitched about the irony of holding planning conferences relating to Southwest Idaho issues over at the plush Sun Valley Resort. We doubt the letter from Mayor Dave Bieter came as a result of GUARDIAN reporting, but we certainly applaud the gesture. Check out the 2006 link below for the Team Dave statement at that time…apparently they didn’t have time to write the letter for three years!

PAST GUARDIAN POSTS: 2008 2007 2006

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  1. As long as the Chamber wants to be in Sun Valley, in order to provide a sequestered enviornment, “gestures” won’t cut it! And City hall recognizes that. All they are looking for is “plausible deniability”! What is needed is a letter from all the valley elected officials that says ” unless the conference is moved to the valley, we will no longer participate”! Until then it will continue to be “same old, same old”. I would suggest that no one hold their breath until that happens.

  2. Who is the “hosting” the meeting? The Chamber or the Mayor. It would be nice if they could have a “couldn’t we all get along” moment and sequester themselves locally.

    The Chamber of Commerce governmenatl affairs people probably pick the venue for this meeting.

  3. It’s simple: They all just like to make the point that they don’t consider Boise to be good enough for them.

    It’s kind like when a city or state offers big tax breaks to some company to move here, saying, yeah, the place aiin’t good enough that you’d want to move here, but maybe if we bribe you …

    None of them show any respect for their own venues.

  4. Mike Murphy for Mayor
    Apr 27, 2009, 8:59 pm

    How is it that neither the Mayor’s Office nor the Chamber of Commerce recognized this as a really bad idea?

    Or did they just not care?

    Either scenario is very disquieting to me.

  5. Waste of Time, Big Time
    Apr 28, 2009, 7:00 am

    I like the part where Ray Stark says the conference has led to a number of positive changes, “including the formation of a monthly meeting of local mayors and county commissioners. He also says the Boise Valley Economic Partnership sprang from discussion at the conference. The BVEP is set up to help attract business to the Treasure Valley.”

    If that is the best he has to offer as accomplishments from all these boondoggles, it is hard to see the justification for continuing the event. And, to pretend that those accomplishments could only have happened by holding the meeting outside this valley, is beyond lame.

  6. I think the Guardian should host the meeting! Let’s do it!

    If Ray Stark says that there were positive changes by going to Sun Valley the only ones that might have been must have been in his golf game.

  7. Team Dave might see the light but it ain’t sunshine.
